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RE: 1968 Shelby GT500 Convertible on eBay

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Bill Wells, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. Bill Wells

    Bill Wells Guest

    my guess...some shills bid it to just below reserve, or seller decided that
    he would take $147, 101 for the car ( hmmm....) and voila, no real bidders
    over the $147,100 shilled bid. now, if he was to take 147,101 don't ya
    think he would say to the next higher bidder at 147,100 " OK ITS YOURS ?
    "..sure he would is my guess, and if not sold to that bidder, shill
    confirmed.....seems stinky to me on the surface anyway. my skeptical
    outlook anyway without knowing full details. bill,motown
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Joe Bright []
    Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 3:36 PM
    To: Shelby
    Subject: 1968 Shelby GT500 Convertible on eBay

    OK, I must be clueless on this eBay auction phenomena so please explain
    this predicament to me. This Shelby gets bid up to $147,100 without meeting
    the reserve. Then the seller lowers the reserve to $147,101 so that the next
    bid meets the reserve and look what happens. The car sits there for 2 days
    with no bids and the auction ends without the car selling. Is there anybody
    out there that can explain this to me? Thanks, Joe Bright.

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