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Re: The RAC Motorsports Challenge

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. In a message dated 11/16/05 20:19:58, writes:

    << Mike, great story. I truely enjoyed it.

    >>>I'm glad! My goal isn't to gloat, but rather to share what I'm doing in

    the hopes of perhaps inspiring others. While I realize that few people will
    have the 'perfect storm' of opportunities that enabled me to do ALL the things
    that I did, I can guarantee you that each of you could easily do SOME of the
    things I have done, i.e. take a vacation to go to Le Mans one time, or something
    like that.

    The world seems so foreign to people who haven't been out there. Hopefully
    through my experiences you have come to know it a little bit better, and
    realized that maybe it's not so nutty to buy a plane ticket and fly halfway around
    the world to go to a car event. Even if you're in a rental car, and 80% of
    your vacation is spent with the wife visiting castles and museums. :>)

    >It is amazing the people you run into and that recognize you from your car.

    Some of the acquantences become friends and you were right to point out we
    are all in a special fraternity.


    >I hope your travels bring you home safely. >>

    >>>I have since returned home, the car is on a boat enroute to the USA, and

    tomorrow I leave for Iraq. :>)

    Gotta pay for all that fun you know. :>)


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