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Fw: Message from eBay Member

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by ecj, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. ecj

    ecj Guest

    <HEAD><TITLE>Message from eBay Member</TITLE>
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1458" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD>
    <DIV>I bid on one of these fake Shelby auctions knowing it was a fake aucti=
    on just for the humor of it all. The auction got&nbsp;cancelled and I got a=
    couple of notes from&nbsp;a few E-Bay watchers asking me why cancelled my =
    bid for the Shelby. Read the person's reply below. This is one of two. Yes =
    there are many people out there who are very gullible.</DIV>
    <DIV>Jim Seisser&nbsp;<BR><BR><BR><BR>-----Forwarded Message----- <BR>From:=
    "eBay Member: babynikkie03" <MEMBER@EBAY.COM><BR>Sent: Dec 4, 2005 5:33 PM=
    <BR>To: <BR>Subject: Message from eBay Member <BR><BR><ZZ=
    d: MemberToMemberContactEmail-->

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    t:bold }
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    ..BodyFontStrong {font-size: 10 pt; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-wei=
    ..SmallBody {font-size: xx-small; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-weigh=
    t:normal; margin-top: 8 px; margin-bottom: 6 px}
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    or:#666666; margin-top: 2 px; margin-bottom: 8 px}
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    ..ItemTitle {font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-weight:bo=
    ld }
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    </ZZZHEAD><ZZZBODY bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF">
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    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D2 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Verdana, sans-serif" color=3D#666666 size=3D1><B>eBay sen=
    t this message to J.&nbsp;Seisser&nbsp;(quick6surfer).</B><BR>Your register=
    ed name is included to show this message originated from eBay. <A href=3D"h=
    ttp://">Learn more</A=
    >. </FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" bgColor=3Dwhite borde=
    <TD noWrap width=3D"1%"><IMG src=3D"
    <TD noWrap width=3D"98%" background=3D
    ail/syiSessions/imgSpan_5x39.gif><SPAN class=3DSectionTitle><FONT size=3D4>=
    <B>Question from eBay Member -- Respond Now</B></FONT></SPAN></TD>
    <TD vAlign=3Dbottom noWrap width=3D"1%"><IMG alt=3DeBay src=3D"http://pics.="></TD></TR></TB=
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
    <TABLE style=3D"BORDER-RIGHT: #9999cc 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #9999cc 1px s=
    olid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #9999cc 1px solid" width=3D"100%" bgColor=3D#eeeef8 bo=
    <TD style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 8px" height=3D30><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" s=
    ize=3D2>eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages.=
    Responses sent using email will not reach the eBay member. Use the <B>Resp=
    ond Now</B> button below to respond to this message.</FONT> </TD></TR></TBO=
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD><IMG height=3D10 src=3D""></TD>=
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD vAlign=3Dtop>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
    <TD vAlign=3Dtop>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
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    r=3D#9999cc border=3D0>
    <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc height=3D26>
    <TD><FONT color=3D#ffffff>&nbsp;<SPAN class=3DSectionTitle>Question from ba=
    bynikkie03</SPAN></FONT> </TD></TR>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" bgColor=3D#eeeef8 bor=
    <TD colSpan=3D3><IMG height=3D4 src=3D"
    ..gif" width=3D1></TD></TR>
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD noWrap colSpan=3D2><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2><B>About This=
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD noWrap colSpan=3D2><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2><A href=3D"ht=
    e03">babynikkie03</A>( <A href=3D"
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD noWrap width=3D"20%"><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Positive Fe=
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>0%</FONT></TD></TR>
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD noWrap width=3D"20%"><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Member Sinc=
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Aug-10-05</FONT></TD></TR>
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD noWrap width=3D"20%"><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Location:</=
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>MO, United States</FONT></TD></T=
    <TD><IMG height=3D1 src=3D"" width=
    <TD noWrap width=3D"20%"><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Registered =
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2></FONT></TD></TR>
    <TD colSpan=3D3><IMG height=3D4 src=3D"
    ..gif" width=3D1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" align=3Dcenter border=
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    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D4>
    <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D"75%"><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Hey ,=
    I noticed that you had bid and retracted your bid on the 1967 shelby GT500=
    on auction on ebay. Their were numberous others who retracted their bids a=
    swell, and I am just curious to why. It is a too good to be true deal and I=
    t caught my eye. I would really appreciate your feedback on this auction. T=
    hanks <BR></FONT></TD>
    <TD vAlign=3Dtop align=3Dmiddle width=3D"22%">
    <TABLE borderColor=3D#999999 cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%"=
    bgColor=3D#eeeef8 border=3D1>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D3 cellPadding=3D3 width=3D"100%">
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2><B>Respond to thi=
    s question in My Messages.</B></FONT> </TD></TR>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><A href=3D"
    mp;sspagename=3DADME:X:CEM:US:2"><IMG alt=3D"Respond Now" src=3D"http://pic=" border=3D0></A></=
    <TD width=3D"3%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><=
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 border=3D0>
    <TD><IMG height=3D8 src=3D"" width=
    =3D1 border=3D0></TD></TR>
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>Thank you for using eBay!</FONT>=
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    <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D10><IMG src=3D"
    s.gif" width=3D10></TD>
    <TD vAlign=3Dtop align=3Dright width=3D188>
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    <TABLE style=3D"BORDER-RIGHT: #6b7b91 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #6b7b91 1px so=
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    Spacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 border=3D0>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 border=3D0>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 border=3D0>
    <TD bgColor=3D#cad2dd><IMG height=3D25 alt=3D"Marketplace Safety Tip" src=
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    <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D5 border=3D0>
    <TD><FONT face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D2>If this message is an offer to s=
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