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Re: Question to seller regarding eBay Item #4595435867

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Rob Zanussi, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. Rob Zanussi

    Rob Zanussi Guest

    Gabriel, have you sold this car? I just went to eBay and its not there any
    more. What is going on? I thought we were in negotiations, I probably would
    have gone higher if I had known there was a sale pending.

  2. Rob Zanussi

    Rob Zanussi Guest

    I don't know, Gabriel, how can eBay Motors get involved if they don't have
    the car up for sale. And the site where the car was says not to sell it
    outside of eBay as that negates the security eBay offers. If you don't want
    to relist it, lets use that escrow service. I send them the money, you send
    them the car, or perhaps its just the title then once they have both and
    the car passes my scrutiney they release the money to you. I put the entire
    $14K up rather than $2700 or whatever it was that you quoted me.

    Gabriel, I just had another look at where it was on eBay. Here is what is
    there. I cut and pasted it. It says it was removed by eBay or otherwise is
    unavailable. I have seen sales that were ended early by the owner and it
    says it was ended by the seller. Are you sure this car is legit?

    Invalid Item
    This listing (4595435867) has been removed by eBay or is no longer
    available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.
    If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction canceled.
    If anybody contacts you to complete the sale, please ignore the request.
    Completing the sale outside of eBay may be unsafe and will not be covered
    by eBay purchase protection programs.



    The car is no longer on eBay because I ended the auction for a buyer but
    now he is telling me he is unable to send me the payment immediately so the
    car is still available if you want to buy it.In order to finalize our
    transaction I will need to know your full name and your full address and I
    will make all the necessary arrangements with eBay Motors and they will
    send you the invoice for our transaction.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rob Zanussi <>
    Sent: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 11:55:01 -0700
    Subject: Re: Question to seller regarding eBay Item #4595435867

    Gabriel, have you sold this car? I just went to eBay and its not there any
    more. What is going on? I thought we were in negotiations, I probably would
    have gone higher if I had known there was a sale pending.


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