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Re: Fw: Message from eBay Member

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. I really do not understand all the focus on the vintage cars for this type
    of scam.
    The vintage car guys are more knowledgeable about this stuff and are better
    If I was going to do a scam I would do it on a newer car and price it 15%
    under market and all is done.
    Of course, maybe that is happening as well and we do not see it.

    Just write a letter to the guy saying that you are in need to laundering
    some 'mob' cash and would like to come over and pay in cash plus a 20% bonus. I
    will be dropping by with my brother Guedo so there is no need to respond by
    email, we will see you soon


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