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Re: Use of Shelby name

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. I agree with the licensing and allowed use of the name and the shape.
    Ford did this a few years ago with a lot of the repo parts by charging a
    reasonable royalty and starting the 'officially ford licecnced product" program.
    the truth and the facts are one thing but the appearance is another.
    currently the appearance of this all is the Shelby is being money hungry and/or
    predatory in the industry. overall I believe it comes down to bad decisions and bad
    management. if they wanted to approach this with a kinder hand they would have
    issued a press release in advance with their plan and time line so they could
    have put the facts out there in the beginning and given the market time to
    adjust instead of just jumping out and playing 'big dog'.
    In short it looks as if they are greedy, that they do not care about us ( the
    buyer/enthousast) and in marketing the perception is the truth.

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