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Re: Trying for a "matched set" 1967 and 20'07 GT500

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. does anyone else have an idea how this might be accomplished, other than
    blind luck?

    well your options are
    1) call ford every day whining and crying untill they give in (or get a
    restraining order against you)
    2) buy LOTS or ford stock, at some point they will have to listen to you.
    yes I know this will be expensive but you can sell the stock later and
    recoup your money.
    3) take the CEO out to dinner for some wining/dining and have a little
    friendly talk with the guy. he will understand.
    4) buy all the shelbys they produce, keep the one you want and sell the
    rest at a profit as you will have the edge on the market. if this works right
    you will get your car for free.
    5) hire a PI to follow all the people on the board and dig up the dirt.
    then explane how easy it will be to 'fix' their problem.
    6) take the board hostage and issue your demand.
    7) get a job working at the plant that makes the cars, take the car out a
    piece at a time when they are not looking.
    8) get a job with ford as the person who schedules the production. jumble
    the schedule in your favor.
    9) hire a computer hacker to do #8 for you.
    10) I belive ford still transports the cars by rail. start watching old
    train robery movies to get the technique you will need. buy a bandana and a
    six shooter, I think you can figure the rest.
    11) do you belive in santa?
    12) find someone on the board that has a family member needing a organ

    not sure which of these will work for you, but thats what I am comming up

    tell me how it works out for you

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I LIKE #7)
    Johny Cash>>> LunchBox Caddy !
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: RSANTER (AT) aol (DOT) com
    To: MHeroy (AT) aol (DOT) com ; shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:36 PM
    Subject: Re: Trying for a "matched set" 1967 and 20'07 GT500

    does anyone else have an idea how this might be accomplished, other than blind luck?

    well your options are
    1) call ford every day whining and crying untill they give in (or get a restraining order against you)
    2) buy LOTS or ford stock, at some point they will have to listen to you. yes I know this will be expensive but you can sell the stock later and recoup your money.
    3) take the CEO out to dinner for some wining/dining and have a little friendly talk with the guy. he will understand.
    4) buy all the shelbys they produce, keep the one you want and sell the rest at a profit as you will have the edge on the market. if this works right you will get your car for free.
    5) hire a PI to follow all the people on the board and dig up the dirt. then explane how easy it will be to 'fix' their problem.
    6) take the board hostage and issue your demand.
    7) get a job working at the plant that makes the cars, take the car out a piece at a time when they are not looking.
    8) get a job with ford as the person who schedules the production. jumble the schedule in your favor.
    9) hire a computer hacker to do #8 for you.
    10) I belive ford still transports the cars by rail. start watching old train robery movies to get the technique you will need. buy a bandana and a six shooter, I think you can figure the rest.
    11) do you belive in santa?
    12) find someone on the board that has a family member needing a organ donar......

    not sure which of these will work for you, but thats what I am comming up with.

    tell me how it works out for you


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