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07 GT500 at B-J

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Gang,

    Just when I thought the $500k for the first Ford GT at Christie's a few years
    ago was over the top, somebody goes and pays $600k for the rights to the
    first 07 GT500, over a dozen TIMES list. Even factoring in the charity angle,
    this has to be an ultimate expression of the "first on your block" syndrome.

    Some of you may remember that I'm trying to wind up with a matched set of
    GT500's- my 1967 (#841) and a 2007 (there is no gold color offered, so I can't do
    the same with my 68 convertible). As it happens, I talked with the people at
    SVT last week, and, while they were pretty sure I could come close, they
    regard matching the last few digits of the VIN's as impossible. I've had the same
    response from a couple of dealers, and one a little more positive from a guy
    in Michigan who was probably blowing smoke. I'm not giving up, but I'm not
    hopeful at this point.

    One interesting thought- both the staff at NAIAS and SVT saw no reason why
    they can't come out with the convertible and the fastback at the same time-
    don't know if they will, but it would be nice. I'd guess that dealers won't start
    to see the cars until July.

    The fun continues...

    Mike Heroy
    67 GT500 #841
    68 GT500 #389

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