Separate names with a comma.
The cars in the 60's were made by AC Cars in the UK. Kirkham Motorsports came about in the late 90's, building an aluminum recreation of the...
...sounds like a new painter is in order. ;)
...a little help [IMG]
(Jeff...we searched at the same time....:-) From some 1965-6 Barracuda fan sites... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Re: Miles in Comstock Cobra--what color was Ken's helmet? The following members have materially contributed to the facts on this topic, that...
My original 6s6xx had the antenna on the driver's side rear quarter
Keep me on the list...
...reason is...I had asked this question a while back. I am looking for two sets of tires to replace the "really-now-unsafe set of tires from the...
That's exciting; we've been waiting......does anyone have pics of the new tires?
The reserve is higher, since the start bid was 350k, with Reserve not Met
Re: Why would they sell it? :dance:
A bit of a difference from how you phrased it, though... It failed to sell because it did not meet reserve. 5 people bid MORE than 2.7 million...
Re: Why would they sell it? Eaton had a 427. This is not it. Comstock did some tech support on Eaton's car. Ken Miles did not drive it....
Not without a contract with Shelby Licensing. :eek:
Not that it's "cheap"... the reserve could be $125k. Just not many bidders.
Randall...they have you as a "banner advertiser" [IMG] When you go to the Team Shelby section of the Forum listings...
Have you tried simply calling Shelby Autos in LV, who make the car?
The car you are speaking of is probably CSX3016, Lowther-Grossman, dressed up for Sebring in 1966. I have color shots and the stripes are red,...
No sweat, Mike... it'll turn up. :unsure: :p
Yes, a perfect example... When I look up your attributes in the "Bogus Spotter's Guide" 1. New member, joins right in the middle of a heated...
I call BS. You are driving an agenda. Hi Amy. That fact that a resolution to the conflict at hand could be so simple and so inexpensive to...
Why, sure you can... Let us know when you have a few up there in the Gallery.
Yeah, those guys at SOG tend to drop the ball, the magazine doesn't come out that often. :D So, are you buying the car?
Contact Bob Shaw... he maintains a contact list of prior employees of SAI. Make a donation to the...
So...tell us more. Why is this compliance issue of major concern to this point in time?