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Thanks AJD350. I've tried adjusting the top adjemusment screw and locking nut on the plate with no improvement, but I didn't know of the other...
I've only recently acquired the car and I'm going through it from front to back and top to bottom to get it where I like it. The box is a...
Hi Roy, Thanks for the suggestion. I actaully packed the steering box with Molybond grease today and that seemed to help it return to centre a...
Can anyone help me I've got a GT350 with a heavy steering and it won't self centre after turning a coner, I physically have to turn it back to the...
Thanks once again Jeff. Yes it sounds exactly like you wifes car. Pics of it look good. Would you be able to give me your email so that I can...
Thanks for the reply. I find your comments very useful. I only wish I could put a dollar value on one that I'm looking at which is an Auot...
Thanks for that. Yes you're right no auto on 65 this was a typo. I'm only concerned about 66 Auot v spd.
Can anyone tell me what the value difference and desirability is of a 65-66 GT350 4spd v auto GT350 both in the same condition?
Neither. I've just done a deal for a factory GT in Florida while I wait on information and negotiations on the one in St Louis. So I need to...
Thanks for that info. On another point any idea who I could use to safely trnasport a car to CA from Florida and who can be used to do an...
Shelby gt350 #849 Thanks for that. Abslutley an inspection will be required but before I go there I'd like to know if anyone knows any history...
Hi there guys I'm from Australia and new to the forum. I'm wondering if anyone could tell me what they know about a 1966 GT350 being sold by...