Separate names with a comma.
I got the call yesterday my car well be hear May 2 . I like to fine a way to track it ?
I told you what I'm getting in my first post maybe you can help me . I'm looking for a picture of the engine compartment with the V6 performance...
I have a Shelby 2011 GT 350 but I need a car I can drive every day . So I went and ordered a 2013 V6 Premium Mustang with the V6 PERFORMANCE and...
Great cap's I have them . In joy them .:thumbup:
I went to order a 2012 MUSTANG with the v6 premium + MUSTANG CLUB AMERICA PACKAGE . I was told they stopped ordering the cars . Now I have to...
I used PASSPOT TRANPORT and it cost $2.200 . I WOULDN'T us them . 14 days to get my car from L.V to N.Y . I got the run around . :thumbdown
Do we know how many 2o11 GT 350 45th anniversary made ? I have 165 .
The 2011 came in white + BLue guardsman VINYL strip . The 2012 you can get it in RED , KONA BLUE and RACE RED . The option are the same . Oh...
Thanks a lot
I'll see you at the meeting , I for got to get the name of the company you got your trailer from ??
I have a KIA SOLO that loves rocks and has 15 or more chips . So I checked out DR COLORCHIP . I have tell you that my car front looks like new ....
I FORGOT THE NAME OF YOUR TRAILER ? You know we have to get together for a picture of both car's ? I don't know if my car well go in that ?? I...
OK I think I'm going with the F-150 and I was thinking of a low pro filtrealer ??
Thanks for your input . It's like going back to school :doh:
I got the car now I need some help picking out a trailer + truck ?
Thanks I got them :thumbsup:
Good thing you told us what it said :doh: GREAT PLATE
Sorry I don't .
Great Thanks again.
Yes I see lot of die cast with books to . What I'm asking when judgeing cars at the shows do you get points for these ???
Thanks I think it's a lot of work+ . It looks great .
I been to few car shows and I see them putting out Gas cans , water and oil cans . Some are great looking cans . When judging do they get points...
Thanks for your input . So your saying I need to do it . OK which one is the best if I do it ???
I have a 2011 Shelby GT350 . Everyone says I need a OIL SEPARATOR ??? I see them on a few cars . So I need some good input . :confused:
So what your saying is only 165 cars . My CSM is 165 which means I was the last orded car :dance::thumbsup: I hope your right that would be so ,...