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1967 D.S.O. Sheets

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by rsimkins, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. markboss

    markboss Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2004
    Car had neither...

    Has slanted one peice grill, side marker lights, oval gas cap, all vinyl seats, aluminum exhaust bezels, extra roll bar brace to inner wheel well,
    Sold new at Herff Ford , Memphis , TN....


    Last edited: Sep 28, 2007
  2. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA

    The spreadsheet has been updated and posted. Added information on 84-2511 (a one car D.S.O., not surprising since it is for the first prototype G.T.500) and 89-2608 (this one is for my car). Link:

    If anyone who has a Marti Report would like to pass on their Shelby VIN, D.S.O. number, and D.S.O. Item Number I'll keep track of those as well. I think that the D.S.O. Item No. may be unique to each car. It might be a tie-in between the Ford VIN and the Shelby VIN. This number also appears on the 1967 Shelby GT 350 / GT 500 Production Order form. If you don't have this bit of information on your car, Dave Mathews at SAAC may be able supply it to you. You can check out the second tab at the bottom of the D.S.O. spreadsheet to see what I'm talking about.
  3. Snakepit

    Snakepit Well-Known Member

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    Jul 3, 2005
    Central Calif
    Roy thanks for the effort

    Unless the car was the only built in that order group... no the DSO would be shared between all the cars in that group. Other special order groups (police cars, buses, promotions) were done this same way. And no it would not be any tie-tie in between the Ford VIN and Shelby VIN.

    It would be a way to reunite car owners with copies of their groups add-delete sheets

    Keep up the collecting.

  4. patty.dilabio

    patty.dilabio Well-Known Member

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    Nov 26, 2006
    Hi again folks! A few corrections once again minor details but they affect the overall totals.Under the 211 build of 33 units you have 33 in both the transmission columns--these were all automatics.The comments by Snakepit are accurate and the order system is still similar today.Fleets and any vehicles built with or to the same specs.The sheets are the vehicle build on paper,and the total number that were actually built could be different.This is shown on each Marti report as one of _____ statistic.Roy you are doing a great job!! Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
  5. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    Sorry about the error, not sure how that one crept in, lack of sleep maybe. I've got it fixed now.

    I don't understand what you mean by: "Unless the car was the only built in that order group... no the DSO would be shared between all the cars in that group." I understand that the D.S.O. number is for multiple cars but what is the "D.S.O. Item Number" that appears on the Marti Report? This a four digit number that is in addition to the D.S.O. number which usually in our case take the form of 84-2XXX. This number appears on the Shelby Production Order form below the five digit serial number. Can you tell me what it stands for? I'd very much like to see two or more cars built under the same D.S.O. and compare this "D.S.O. Item Number". I'm sure if we get enough cars we'll be able to draw some sort of conclusion.

    Thanks to all who are trying to straighten me out. I just want to be sure that we are comparing apples and apples.
  6. Shelboss

    Shelboss Member

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    Sep 18, 2007
    Boston, MA
    Hi Roy, I have a vehicle invoice # 2605 and a customer order # 4205 listed on the original invoice to the dealer for my car. Doing the math to get from my invoice to yours, there are 358 cars. If mine were mid run and yours were mid run, it would fall close so I think the Shelby vehicle invoice number is the same as the DSO order number you refer to.

    Art Nigro
  7. 69iger

    69iger Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 27, 2005
    Czech Republic
    Hi Roy,

    ... to fill up your 1967 DSO-VIN:

    D.S.O. No.: 84-2555
    DSO item: 5839
    Shelby VIN: 67402F2A01323

  8. rcgt350

    rcgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 22, 2004
    I input some info on your spreadsheet, but here is more if you need it.
    DSO: 842505
    Trim: 6A
    Date: 28J

    DSO Item # 0556
    Order received: 08/15/66
    Car serialized : 09/13/66
    Scheduled for Build: 09/28/66
    Actually built: 10/10/66
    Released : 10/12/66
    Shelby VIN# 67200F40031

  9. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    Thanks very much for the information. Unfortunatly I have not yet seen it. Did you use the form on my website? If you did, it might have gotten caught in the spam filter. Could you try reposting it? I'll keep a close eye out for it. Thanks.
  10. Texas Swede

    Texas Swede Well-Known Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    Richardson, Texas
    Hi Roy,

    More info to fill up your 1967 DSO-VIN:

    D.S.O. No.: 84-2555
    DSO item: 5811
    Shelby VIN: 67402F7A01317

    Texas Swede
  11. patty.dilabio

    patty.dilabio Well-Known Member

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    Nov 26, 2006
    Hi to Roy and all on this thread.I was reading the registry and found another piece to this puzzle.On page 699 it shows 67200F5 0010 as an original owner in Washington and it gives the door data plate information.The dso is 842505 and the interior trim code is 6A the date code is 28J This car was not completed or sold until after the new year,yet it was built by ford (or scheduled to be built in sept. of 1966.More proof that things were done by Shelby by date or ?? rather than by number.This also looks like the same batch as Randy's car 0031. One more statistic--if you look up all the G.T. 350 cars,less than 100 came with A/C. Keep it cool! P.D. :) :)
  12. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    To elaborate on the last post when talking with Dave Mathews years ago about #0001 it came to light that althought it was the first Shelby production car built in 67 there were other cars with ford Vins that had lower sequential numbers then #0001 which supports the idea that the cars were pulled in off the lot in no particular order. There of course were many other instances of this same thing throughout 67 production. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happens out in Vegas right now with the new Shelby GT.
  13. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    I've now posted the three of the D.S.O. sheets that I have copies of on my website. They are linked to the D.S.O. number on the spread sheet and are in PDF. If anyone else would like to contribute scans or paper copies, I'll take the time to turn them into PDF files and post them. I'd eventually like to get as many as possible posted to serve as an archive for all those who are interested.

    I've posted a fresh update to the D.S.O. sheets. Some new numbers but not much information about them, just the package and the D.S.O. / SAI VIN sheet has been added to. There are also three links to D.S.O. sheets which I am archiving. I'll archive any additional sheets that anyone will send me. And if anyone can supply information to fill in those pesky yellow cells, I'd appreciate that as well.

    Can anyone tell me what the D.S.O. item number is all about? I've asked this question several times of various people but have yet to get an answer. This number does seem to be vehicle specific.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009
  14. patty.dilabio

    patty.dilabio Well-Known Member

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    Nov 26, 2006
    Hi again to Roy and all. I am currently contacting Kevin Marti and i will include this in my list of questions.I get the idea that you are on the right path,but we need to know the correct answer from someone that can explain it properly.We do know that these cars were built much like any fleet,and that shelby was assigned a customer dso of 84_____ Ford must have a good system,or they would not be able to produce as many cars and get them to the proper dealer or contracter in time to be completed.Just imagine keeping track of over 472,000!! and that was over 40 years ago,with add in Cougar and wow the line must have been singing!!
  15. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    When I asked Kevin about fully decoding the VOI, here is what he had to say: "As far as the vehicle order image, of course some of it is obvious. A lot of the characters in the middle correspond to options. A "3" in column 57 indicated a vehicle that has an air conditioner installed. Unfortunately, it is much more complicated than that, however, and a complete listing would be massive. The decoding books I have on my bookshelf for all of this stretch out for over four feet, and that is just the 67-73 data! Further, meanings within a given column change from year to year, and can even change within a year." Maybe if he gets enough requests, he'll look into expanding his services.

    In the meantime, perhaps we can start a project of our own to decode the VOI by compiling a list of what we know. I'll try to set up a dummy VOI that describes all the columns. Of course we'll need to get copies of as many Marti Reports as possible (with out the full VIN, we know which columns that fits into). Anyone else here interested in doing that?
  16. patty.dilabio

    patty.dilabio Well-Known Member

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    Nov 26, 2006
    Hi again to all on this topic.
    Roy,you have a great idea on the burner,but it is very complex and really will lead to more of the engineering side of the build.Lets try to stay on the DSO subject and completely sort it out.Hopefully I will get live with the folks in AZ. and they can help.In the Mustang by the numbers book,it lists the DSO code as does a shop manual.The total number for DSO 84 is 1841 with 1790 of those produced as fastbacks.84 translates to home office reserve.Most of your list has 84 as a prefix,but 89 is also used,and this would bring up the totals and they would make more sense..we know over 3000 fastbacks were converted to shelbys.I also wonder how Dave Matthews is progressing,and maybe we could work with him??Keep up the enthusiasim and see what happens:) :thumbsup: P.D.
  17. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    My thoughts are centered on collecting VOI samples and then using the empirical method to see what we have. There are just a few columns that are unknown to us as to their meaning. My main goal is still to figure out the D.S.O. sheets.

    I've offered my help to Dave, but he wants to go it alone and believes that letting any information out to the public at large will generate more questions than answers at this point. I have to respect that. He also feels that unless someone is in the same geographical area as he is, any offered help is not very effective. I do know that Kevin Marti has been in contact with Dave and hopefully they have been able to work out an agreement.

    Good luck to you with the Arizona gang, please keep us posted.

    Just some random thoughts here, but this thread seems to have generated a lot of views and responses. I'm glad that so many folks are interested and maybe we can shed some light on what has been up to now a pretty obscure subject. 67's rock! :thumbsup:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2009
  18. BossBill

    BossBill Member

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    Nov 8, 2007
    I have a copy of 84-2596.
    It lists Trim Black 5A in the vehicle spec section.
    It also lists as a delete trim components: 7392101 Black

    Can we assume black?
  19. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA

    I think that is a good assumption. Can you send me a scan of the D.S.O. so I can post it? Or fill out the data sheet posted on my website ( Thanks.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2007
  20. mherman2

    mherman2 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2005
    I think this is still a great subject and one I know Dave and others is working on.

    Some thoughts here:

    I have a copy of DSO 89-2609 which I will send to Roy, I gave him the basics for his spreadsheet last fall. It has 121 GT500's including one special paint Burgundy car.

    This DSO came with my document book from a previous owner, however it is not correct for my car. I had package 411F, Auto/Air and oil cooler. This DSO is for 121 non-air cars.

    My DSO item number on my production sheet is 2501. If you look at the corresponding dates of the DSO's this would put my car as being produced in 1966 according to the dates with the DSO's. My car was built 5/16/67 and was 1 of 10 White AC/Auto Cars made. Only 5 white AC cars show up so far.

    So going back to the DSO item# question, the date of DSO sheet #2501 would not correspond to my build date. MY DSO sheet is most likely between 2614-2432 based on my build date and the dates listed with those DSO's. It's not hard to narrow down when there only 10 made.


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