There are 3 carded pieces of information either the assembly plant or the delivery service put on the car when they were new. One was the "Disc Brake" warning. Another was the "Move this car every 21 days" one. And there is the "antifreeze" one. So, where do they go? From a post a couple of days ago Bob G said the disc brake one goes on the master cylinder lid hold down. OK And which anti freeze one do I use. There is the light blue info card, and there is a Fomoco antifreeze one. I have both, which one is correct? The "move this car one" is the one I never knew where to put it on. In the former post mentioned, Bob suggested that since these have a wire those would likely go under the hood. That makes sense. And, if it went in the interior, there would be string, that make sense too. So, time to figure out where these go, and, are there more?