while paging through Brandas catalogue, there is a gold 4 spd shift pattern plate. The catalogue says came on most 4 spd cars. My car came with the white with blue stripped sift knob with pattern on knob. It shows know sign of the plate on the consul. I have never seen a GT500 with this plate on the consul. Do many of you have this plate on your consul? Would it have been for cars with a different shift knob? Or for 350-KR cars?
A large number of KR's originally came with a special walnut shift knob that had a special Cobra medallion embedded in the top. It didn't have a shift pattern like all the other 4 speed shift knobs. Unfortunately they had a bad habit where the medallion would fall off and get lost. This was a KR only item. Without the shift pattern on the knob was the reason for the 4 speed shift pattern plate on the console. I hope this helps.