Apparently he doesn't like American cars, hm...sounds like Jeremy Clarkson. I just wish the original BBC show would just air on NBC instead. oh well!
I'm not really a fan of his, I can usually only take a few minutes from him... But I love Top Gear on BBC America, that's one of the reason's I keep Direct TV!
I predict a painful, speedy death for this show. The networks just cannot get British shows right in translation. One very funny show on BBC is Coupling, which NBC tried to 'Americanize'.....a complete and utter disaster. Thank God it only lasted 2 episodes! NBC will botch TopGear as well.
at least this guy likes US cars Can't wait to see the show though!
I apologize for retreading an old thread, but doesn't Carolla own a Cobra replica? I swear I remember watching an episode of some HGTV or DIY show where he was remodeling his house, and there was an "under construction" Cobra replica in one corner of the garage. He never mentioned it on the show, and I've never heard him mention it on his radio program, either. Regardless, I think he's hilarious and will make a great host for this thing.