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Cleaning AC hoses

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Ronald. Robertson, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. Greg and all:
    Tried cleaning the AC hoses again again with lacquer thinner and a little more elbow grease. It worked! Must have been too gentle the first time.
    Another question (a restorer I am not).
    How does one go about removing paint from hood hinges? Mine have black paint on the lower portion where it fastens to the inner fender. Have to remove them to get at it. They appear to be phosphate and oil underneath and I want to maintain that finish. Is it safe to use paint stripper without harming the phosphate and oil finish, or is one better to work away with a cloth and lacquer thinner?
    Thanks for all the help.
  2. I might think about a cloth rag with a little brake fluid on it. I would be
    real sure to cover and protect everything else.


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