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First Shelby Experience

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Larry W Barnett, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. I caught the fever in the early 70's when my sister bought a 65 coupe. I also learned how not to downshift the 6 cyl. 3speed tranny! During this time, I developed a radar for finding Mustangs camouflaged as chicken coops and lawn ornaments.
    On a drive in the late 70's through Surry County VA, I spotted a car sitting in a pole shed behind Surry Ford Tractor. The car turned out to be a 67 GT-500. The owner, Charles Savedge, would sell the car but not to a teenager who would probably kill himself in that big block missle. Good instinct, Charles.
    Several Mustangs passed through my hands in the next 20+ years, but I never forgot the Shelby. In 2000, I purchased a white 67 GT-350. My first road trip was to Surry Ford New Holland. The smile on Charles' face when he walked out to the car was matched by my grin. We reminisced about cars and the GT-500 he refused to sell. As Charles walked back into the dealership, I drove away with the knowledge I had been able to briefly return to 1978.

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