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first Shelby experience

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by OLAF HERRICK, Feb 13, 2005.



    Hey guys , I have been enjoying the stories of your first Shelby experience and can picture most of you with your large smiles.
    My story is as follows , in 1982 while still in highschool I dated a girl who lived in a high-rise apartment complex. In the corner of the lot sat a 68 Acapulco GT500 KR fastback. The paint was very faded and it had Lemans stripes. Over the years someone had stolen the center caps,aircleaner and misc. other items. I always stopped to look at that car and one day I happened to see the owner we talked a bit and he said he would sell me the car. He wanted $3500 , well at that time it was alot of money and I tried my very best to get the cash but I just couldn't convince my DAD( non-car professional type) it was a good purchase. In any case the car sold and I was bitten by the snake.15 years later , marriage, kids and thank goodness a great business and I'm blessed to have an assortment of Mustangs but I still like my Acapulco GT500 the best. Take care. Olaf

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