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Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Craig Wright, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. Craig Wright

    Craig Wright Guest

    I found out that the Chicane will not be used at Fontana. That means we
    will enter at the beginning of the front straight and will be flat out
    for the entire length of the straight and then flat out through the
    banked turns 1&2. That would be about 1 mile flat out. It will be
    similar to F1 straight at Indy so be sure to not use Michelins.;) Your
    tires will need a high rating (H min or Z better) and need to be in good
    shape or we will end up like Ralph Schumacher.

    Craig Wright
  2. I wanted to share this e mail with the list members as there has been allot
    of e mail postings going on lately about the manipulation of FORD GT prices.

    It appears that it has gotten so out of hand that a new website has poped up
    ( to "out" those dealers and individuals who are
    trying (abit unsuccessfully) to keep the prices on these new cars above

    If you look on e bay you will see about 50 or so BRAND NEW Ford GT's and you
    will see Ford dealers bidding on other Ford dealers cars - yeah, o.k.,

    Anyways, we have a guy on this list Patrick Krook who says he has sold tons
    of these cars - So I ask Mr. Krook to comment on not only what this Ford
    dealership is doing (mallofgeorgiaford) but what other Ford dealerships are
    doing to "hold the line" on what is obviously becoming a car that is selling
    at or near MSRP.

    I would also love to see other peoples comments on this matter as well.
    Perhaps as forshadowing I should start a
    website as I can see the writing on the wall on that car as

    What do you all think???


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    Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:42 AM
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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Craig Wright" <>
    To: "Shelby list" <>
    Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:29 AM
    Subject: Fontana

    >I found out that the Chicane will not be used at Fontana. That means we
    >will enter at the beginning of the front straight and will be flat out for
    >the entire length of the straight and then flat out through the banked
    >turns 1&2. That would be about 1 mile flat out. It will be similar to F1
    >straight at Indy so be sure to not use Michelins.;) Your tires will need a
    >high rating (H min or Z better) and need to be in good shape or we will end
    >up like Ralph Schumacher.
    > Craig Wright

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