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Fwd: Re: Trying for a "matched set" 1967 and 20'07 GT500

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Carl McNew, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Carl McNew

    Carl McNew Guest

    #7 - I've heard stories of Jeeps that were mailed home piece by
    piece from GI's overseas (also a MASH episode)

    --- fordmond (AT) swbell (DOT) net wrote:

    > From: <fordmond (AT) swbell (DOT) net>
    > To: <shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com>
    > Subject: Re: Trying for a "matched set" 1967 and 20'07 GT500
    > Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:42:31 -0600
    > I LIKE #7)
    > Johny Cash>>> LunchBox Caddy !
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: RSANTER (AT) aol (DOT) com
    > To: MHeroy (AT) aol (DOT) com ; shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    > Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:36 PM
    > Subject: Re: Trying for a "matched set" 1967 and 20'07 GT500
    > does anyone else have an idea how this might be
    > accomplished, other than blind luck?
    > well your options are
    > 1) call ford every day whining and crying untill they
    > give in (or get a restraining order against you)
    > 2) buy LOTS or ford stock, at some point they will have
    > to listen to you. yes I know this will be expensive but you
    > can sell the stock later and recoup your money.
    > 3) take the CEO out to dinner for some wining/dining and
    > have a little friendly talk with the guy. he will understand.
    > 4) buy all the shelbys they produce, keep the one you
    > want and sell the rest at a profit as you will have the edge
    > on the market. if this works right you will get your car for
    > free.
    > 5) hire a PI to follow all the people on the board and
    > dig up the dirt. then explane how easy it will be to 'fix'
    > their problem.
    > 6) take the board hostage and issue your demand.
    > 7) get a job working at the plant that makes the cars,
    > take the car out a piece at a time when they are not looking.
    > 8) get a job with ford as the person who schedules the
    > production. jumble the schedule in your favor.
    > 9) hire a computer hacker to do #8 for you.
    > 10) I belive ford still transports the cars by rail.
    > start watching old train robery movies to get the technique
    > you will need. buy a bandana and a six shooter, I think you
    > can figure the rest.
    > 11) do you belive in santa?
    > 12) find someone on the board that has a family member
    > needing a organ donar......
    > not sure which of these will work for you, but thats what I
    > am comming up with.
    > tell me how it works out for you
    > bob

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