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Help!!! Please!!!

Discussion in '2nd Generation Shelby Mustangs' started by PONYEXPGUY, Dec 15, 2008.



    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2008
    Rockville, Maryland
    Hi, I have a 2008 Shelby GT500 with 2,500 miles. Recently the clutch starting slipping. From a dead stop it would slip when floored and when you hit second same thing. Normal driving everything is fine. I took it to the dealer and explained the problem. They said leave it and they would check it out and fix whatever the problem was. They called me back in a couple days and said come a pick up the car. Said they road tested it and found nothing wrong. At this point I knew this was not going to be easy. DAH how come it does it when I drive it and now all of a sudden it has magically fixed it's self. They also said if i was unsatisfied that i could write to ford. I said I have a better idea. I'll be right over and the service manager can go for a ride with me. So this I did. I took him to one of the places near by that I knew it would act up and do what I said. I came to a dead stop, reved to 3 grand and poped the clutch and did a perfect burn out. Hit second and same thing. He said see I told ya so. I said let's try it again. Well the same thing happened. I said great what did you guys do to fix it. He said nothing. So it appeares it has had devine intervention. Yea right. After I took him back to the shop I went for a drive. To my suprise the car does not drive the same as when I took it to the shop. Before it had great traction. Now it seemed faster and had no traction. all it does now is spin when you push the gas just a little. even in 2nd and 3rd. It acts like they switched the rear gears. They insist they did nothing to it. Now the clutch has no chance to slip because the tires spin. Please help with your thoughts and ideas what I should do. Forgive my spelling and ask any questions about it's performance. Thanks guys.
  2. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    Could be a number of things: They could have sprayed Brake Cleaner all over the Clutch Disc to clean off any Grease that may have been on it. They could have adjusted the Clutch a little tighter. They could have put 40 to 50 pounds of Air in your Rear Tires. Now, if you think they may have changed the rear Gears, do a quick check , Jack up the rear end and spin the Tire ONE revolution while counting the Revolutions of the Drive Shaft to see if it is close to the Gears that are supposed to be in your Car.

  3. steveshelbymustang

    steveshelbymustang Well-Known Member

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    May 20, 2006
    Any alterations performed at any garage leaves a tale tale sign of where and what was touched. Bolts and nuts turned leave scars that says loudly they have been turned. You can't put a wrench on anything without knocking some dirt..grime..paint..seals. no matter how great the mechanic is... The proof is in the work.. check to see if any of these items have been touch..If so its like CSI fingerprint to the crime... I bought a GM car in 06 and the common term they use is "running as designed". Never will I buy a car from GM .... ever.. Really don't give a krap if they do go under ... proves you can't treat customers with disrespect and stay in business.. If I produced crap in my line of work ..without a doubt. no one would care if went under!!! Would be no bailout for me from any elected official (banker) (insurance ceo) politician. alright I am done preaching!! Sorry

    MYTANG Member

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    Oct 27, 2006
    I am perplexed, I wonder if they performed an ecm programming update or reset that might explain the extra power if it had a trouble code stored that might cause the computer to hold back timing or boost??? I do not know.:doh:

    The good news:thumbup: is now the Ford dealer has a record of your initial complaint and that might help if the problem returns.

    I have an 07 and there is a service bullatin related to the clutch, but the symptoms do not include slipping.

    It's Just weird that it is not slipping anymore, oh well live it up while your tires still have rubber on them

    I'll be curious to find out how it does.
  5. Doug_GT350

    Doug_GT350 Well-Known Member

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    May 14, 2007
    Eastern Pennsylvania, USA
    I'm wondering if the original tune was screwed up before it was purchased when they "fixed" the seat belt recall. When it went back in this time they checked it and reflashed the correct tune.

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