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Important Shelby News out of SEMA

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Bob Gaines, Nov 1, 2007.

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  1. A-Snake

    A-Snake Well-Known Member

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    Nov 21, 2006
    “When I walked away from racing and the car business in the early 1970s, never, in my wildest dreams, would I have thought those cars could develop the kind of following they have today. At first I was surprised that anyone cared about them at all. But as time went on, through the 1970s and into the 1980s, I began to realize how special they were. And I wasn’t alone. One of the reasons these cars are so exceptional is because of what they accomplished. Everyone who worked for Shelby American had a hand in that. But once we closed the company’s doors, we stepped out of the picture. If it wasn’t for a small handful of owners and enthusiasts who dedicated themselves to these cars, the Cobras and Shelby Mustangs would be just so many old, used cars today. That dedication is illustrated by this registry. When we were building the cars, our goal was to get them out the door and into the hands of dealers and owners. We never paid much attention to how many were four-speeds and how many were automatics, or how many were painted red, or to any of the small details that today’s owners find so interesting.
    The Shelby American Automobile Club’s exceptional dedication is responsible for keeping the bloodline of these cars from being diluted by fakes and look-alikes. That translates into the continuing high level of interest in them as well as their high values. The publication of a book like this assures Cobras and Shelby Mustangs their rightful place in automotive history. An incredible amount of work has gone into gathering the information contained in this book, sorting through it, organizing it and then turning it into the printed page. It is truly a labor of love for everyone who was involved. I know what that’s all about because the Cobra was a labor of love for me.”
    Carroll Shelby
    Shelby American World Registry - 1997
  2. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
  3. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2007
  4. shelbnut

    shelbnut Active Member

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    Aug 27, 2005
    As a member of SAAC since 1976 this disturbing news cannot be good for our hobby. I've had my fair share of petty complaints about SAAC, but I've continue to support the club. Have thought in the pass few years it was time for some new leadership. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS CLUB DISSOLVED because of corporate bullying or manufacturer and club officers differences. Car clubs should be run by enthusiast, whether for profit or not, with or without factory support.
    Automobile manufacturers should concentrate building quality cars that interest consumers. Not trying to "support a legacy that fuels our business". If you want to support a legacy send SAAC $100 for every new unit sold. I don't doubt that Shelby Autos can build a club with larger funding (and dues). What happens in the next few years when Ford decides to drop the Shelby Mustangs. (i.e.65-70 Shelby Mustangs, 86-89 Mopar Shelbys). History dictates this will probably be a 4 or 5 year venture. By the way, is Shelby Automobiles, Inc. renewing with Shelby Dodge Auto Club?
    I for one hope things work out for everyone in the long run. My suggestions would be for Carroll to intervene and renew licensing for SAAC (Don't think Ford wants to here about this from a bunch customers who purchase thier trucks and SUV's for towing). And for Kopec to double the dues, get SAAC out of the 90's and into the 2000's or start a new club, maybe Vintage Shelby American Automobile Club (VSAAC) or Historic Shelby American Automobile Club (HSAAC). I have a passion for old Shelby Automobiles with or without a club(s) and that will continue.
    We'll, time to get off the soapbox and let someone else on.

  5. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007
    You know, maybe your right. If I sounded arrogant, I certainly didn't mean it, I thought we were having a discussion and I felt I was being attacked. My appologies, I also didn't want to do the he said /she said type of response either.

    The new club although it doesn't look like it yet, as it officially launches on Carroll's birthday will have a full vintage section. We want input and we don't profess to have all the answers either. I hope to build it to where it is what it eeds to be for all.

    so, Here is the only "why" I can give you, the why will come from Carroll directly as well this week. I didn't think the why was important because I don't do "he said /she said"

    I explained to him tonight some of the backlash and he will make a statement. He has felt for along time that he is not part of SAAC he has told me he talked to Ken and Rick and had given input to events and other things, he felt ignored. These are his words to me, not mine, please do not accuse me of anything other then what I am posting.. He said that he as Shelby wants a site that has instant information for all users and owners, a site where he can exchange info with the members, a site that he can ask for feedback immediately and have a dialog. Again his original idea. I told him about the club and shows I did before, we discussed building this club when the company was better able to handle it. That time is now.

    I have also tried to talk to Ken 2 years ago at saac, about the relationship with Carroll and SAAC and Ken was adament in his anger at Carroll. This seems personal to both and maybe rightfully so for both. I warned him and rick at the dinner back then that this would reach a head.

    I don't presume to know how to make it all happen, but I do know that the strength of SAAC is in it's members not just in its club owners. That is what we are trying to do. We have heard good and we have heard bad, Carroll speciffically wanted to run his club where his thoughts mattered. I am not judging anyone, I think the registry for it's information is amazing, but maybe there is more needed.

    Again, my appologies if I sounded arrogant, it was not my intent, this is a big under taking, it is a huge responsibility, believe me I really want this to succeed. I was trying to be careful, I was trying to be politically correct, maybe that was wrong.

    Vern, thanks for the note......

  6. bossshelby

    bossshelby Well-Known Member

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    Sep 17, 2006
    First,I would like to thank Amy for the [inside information].I have be involved with the older Shelby's since the begin.Even ran the Local club for a couple of years.I hope that we can keep everyone that has supported SAAC for all of these years as a group.Been to a lot of events and have logged into the new sight to see how things look.I say,give them time,we need to move forward and this is a very big undertaking.
    Best of luck and I will still be involved and anything to do with Mustangs and Shelby's
  7. DeLa1Rob

    DeLa1Rob Well-Known Member

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    Sep 9, 2004
    Long Prairie, Minnesota USA
    Thank You for that reply Amy. In time I often thought that SAAC and SDAC should somehow merge to be all inclusive. Team Shelby is an attempt to bring all together. I think the only complaint that can be made is the choice of forum partner. The StangsUnleashed group have a lot of attitude.

    The best group of people that show respect for all of Shelby's creations is right here. We may check the new site for rumors. But when we want information, we already have the best damn Shelby Forum site, period!

  8. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    Thanks for all of the information Amy. I am sure you are going to do GREAT things for Shelby Automobiles and for "Team Shelby". History has always showed that Butting Heads never moves forward. Sometimes you just have to cut the rope and do it the way you want to do it. I learned a long time ago that You will NEVER please everyone, Heck, your lucky if you please 50%. I offer this one piece of advice: Give up the "Political Correctness", it will get you in trouble every time. Just be your self and say it the way you want to say it. Keep up the great work, I am sure Carroll would not have hired you if he did not see in you what he needed to, a bit of him self. :thumbup:
  9. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    The added information is much appreciated.
    I agree about the political correctness.
  10. Len

    Len Well-Known Member

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    Jan 19, 2006
    Rochester New York
    "Shelby Forums" is a fantastic place to communicate with other enthusiasts of Carrolls' creations. This site was built and is maintained by his grandson; not SAAC. I realize Carroll is a busy guy, but if he really wanted to "exchange info" ,this would have been a good place to start.
  11. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    The Dash of my 2007 Shelby GT. My 9 year old son and I received our SAAC renewal the other day and went right out to the car and debated on where this SAAC Plaque should go. it was a fun moment he and I shared together. a memory that we will have for a lifetime. these are the moments that matter to me and many other Shelby enthusiasts. I was unaware of the events that were unfolding at the time concerning these two entities, but I must say they look great together on my Dashboard! I am all for "Team UNITY".

    Attached Files:

  12. markboss

    markboss Well-Known Member

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    Dec 22, 2004
    I joined SAAC in 1975, when I was 18.....Bought my first Shelby in 1982, and still own it.....SAAC started out as a group of people, sharing thoughts, info, and picnics.......You got a magazine every few months, and read about events, and info on the cars..
    As the years came and went, so did the magazine, and the info the members received, from the home planet....Many people, including myself, did not renew our memberships, because you did not seem to get anything in return,,,What really changed my opinion was when SAAC started building their own Shelby car!!!

    In the earlier years, SAAC was a great organization, but in the last 10 years, their vision changed, and myself, and others watched from the sidelines, and I attended some of the events...

    Amy, is big business, and I hope she doe not forget the people who help bring Shelby American into the future, which is us..the 63-70 Shelby/Cobra owners.
    I have seen what you have done, since your arrival at Shelby, and I am impressed!!!!
    I still own a few Redline Hotwheels!!
    A lot of us owned these cars when they did not matter to anyone but us, now it's a big part of U.S. automotive history, we preserve...
    Just do not forget us the owners!!!

  13. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007
    I posted this on Club Cobra as well, thanks


    Thanks for all the posts. I am sure it looks a lot like we are not or won't support all original members, quite the contrary, the problem was that I spoke to Bob Gaines at SEMA, out of turn before we were ready to announce and release all info. This was my fault, it made us look hap hazzard and not sensitive to the situation and for that I am sorry.

    This is without a doubt my screw up. Sometime things have to be done in the right way to stop misunderstandings and hurt feeling. The good news is We will be contacting all the local clubs and members we have on record and will be asking members for help and input. We can not do this all alone nor do we want to or can. We also do not expect to replace favorite sites suh as this. All fan sites have great value and information that is unique. Our site I hope will enhance that and help that.

    I have been working on this a while, I have spent hundreds of thousands for a technology package robust enough to suppot all of this online. I have hired people to support this, but it is all for nothing if it doesn't fit the needs of the members. That is all the members.

    We have spent time with track owners for use of tracks in Vegas and else where for future events. There is much we really want to accomplish.
    We published the first new Shelby magazine this week. It's a huge edition with new and vintage info. Money is not the main motivation, branding is. Are we charging $$$, yes, but we will we give you more for the fee, we hope so, if not, you will tell us.

    The site will go live on Carroll's birthday, what's up there now is a temporary site and compilation of 2 other sites. This will be different when the new site launches. Between then and now I would love to talk to those of you who want to be a part of this and who have ideas on how to make it better. communication is key.

    We have the same passion, we might not have carried it as long, but we have it.Thanks

    Last edited: Nov 2, 2007
  14. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    When I first reported this developement I mistakenly said that Shelby had asked for all the documents back. Amy corrected my misstatement the first time she posted. So please don't rehase it. In all the excitement of the SEMA show I listened to someone else not- Amy that gave me the document information that I thought was in the know about the situation and to my embarresment it turned out to not be the case. It was not my intention to inflame things. It is apparent that this change is happenning . I know in my heart it would be in everyones best interest to make the best of it. Getting upset is counter productive . I for one will try and keep a open mind and continue to help SAAC to the best of my ability and also offer help to the new Team Shelby as well . My love for the Shelby marque will help balance my emotions.
  15. bitzman

    bitzman Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2005
    thanks Mr. Gaines for the correction

    It takes a brave man to admit his mistake publically. I could understand at an event like SEMA that gossip is flowing like crazy.
    Anyway asking for "all the papers back" would be an unreasonable request since a lot of info like company memos were probably gleamed of info to put into print and the originals tossed once the information was put into a Register or book. Theoretically I suppose today an original letter on Shelby letterhead from the Sixties would be worth something on eBay but if it wasn't stipulated from the get-go that everything would have to be returned after their research, then no donor in the dim distant past could ask now for something back that was given to them for a purpose that was fulfilled-- to an organization documenting history.
    As someone who has visited automakers' HQ many times ,I realize that automakers are a bit like farmers. They grow a crop of tomatoes. They sell the tomatoes , then they plow the field under to plant a new crop. They don't spend much time waxing nostalgic about the tomatoes of '05 when it's '07 (except for winemakers who charge more for "vintage years")
    So the secretaries at said automakers are consantly throwing everything away that does not pertain to the current model year. And it's often the case that only that material which was given to historians outside the company survives about the great products of the past....
  16. 68GT500-Aussieland

    68GT500-Aussieland Well-Known Member

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    Jan 10, 2006
    It looks like there is more than meets the eye and more has been going on in the background between Carroll and the SAAC.

    Whoever is in the right or wrong and whether the SAAC has done the wrong thing by Carroll in the past, it is a shame that it appears the door has been shut on the SAAC.

    BUT through good times and the bad (when the cars werent the icon they are today and the main purpose behind the club was a passion and preservation), if it wasnt for the SAAC the Shelby Marque wouldnt be what it is today.

    And there is one thing we have all in common - preservation of the marque.

    Hope something can be sorted.

  17. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    Re: thanks Mr. Gaines for the correction

    My understanding is that SAAC has not tossed any of the data or records but has attempted to file most if not all of it away. I'm pretty sure that any production information was distributed to the various registrars. While I've had my differences with SAAC in the past, their diligence in preseving historical records is second to none and my hat is off to them for that. I'm convinced that nothing has been discarded as they have always understood from day one that preserving the history of these automobiles is one of their primary missions.
  18. GT350DAVE

    GT350DAVE Well-Known Member

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    Nov 3, 2006
    A torpedo fired at a strong well respected automobile club that promotes and protects the cars built by Shelby American for 30 plus years still doesn't sound like an either friendly or sound business decision. I have been a SAAC member since 1978, and do not know all of the inner workings of the club but have had enough exposure to see a group of very dedicated individuals doing the best they could with the limited resources available to them. Part of SAAC's strength comes from a dozen or two volunteers loyal to SAAC who devote time year after year to help preserve and protect the cars built by Carroll Shelby. This group of enthusiasts represents thousands of hours per year in support of the same ideals you claim to have a better idea about. I have never heard of any offering to assist SAAC from Shelby, or Shelby Autos either financially or in any other form. SAAC is a 5,000 + group in addition to family and friends with no cost base to Shelby or Shelby Autos. It boggles my mind at the shallowness of this decision and total lack of regard to a loyal fan club and potential customer base. Did it occur to anyone to include SAAC in it's plans?
    Several fears come to mind, the first being what happens when this effort, now perceived to be a good idea doesn't turn out to be the cash cow or promotional tool it is presently perceived to be. Where does it leave us?
    I have heard for years that Carroll's biggest gripe with SAAC is the dress code at the convention evening program. He has been adamant that the evening program should be a tie and jacket affair. The people running the conventions felt that a dress code event would put an undue burden on the membership and staff, especially when many of them come directly from the track. Are tee shirts and shorts perceived as disrespectful by Carroll?
    Perceived money and control is at the bottom of this. It is obviously nothing but a power play that has no consideration to SAAC, it's loyal followers or even Carroll's own legacy. The SAAC group are not a bunch of has beens sitting in rocking chairs talking about the good old days. We are active performance car enthusiasts and consumers who can either wave the flag or burn it.
    I am hopeful that you see the negative potential of this unfortunate situation and take the appropriate action to resolve it.
  19. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I dont think that anyone at saac in their right mind would have ever discarded anything. It was all stored away to be preserved.
    BEst Regards,
  20. sportyworty

    sportyworty Member

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    Dec 22, 2004
    Vista, Ca.
    This may seem over simplified and ignorant but key SAAC employees have a track record for loyalty and book keeping and would be a great asset to the new TEAM and the newer cars. You have a big budget they provide low over head and the 65-70 crowd continue prove their loyalty to the brand and we hope the newer owners will as well. Put em on the payroll
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