Made some somewhat recent attempts to locate my old 67 black fastback 289. Found her originally in the parking lot of an apartment complex on Edsall Road in Alexandria, VA. I ended up trading even up my 68 white fastback 289 for her back in 1977. Sold her to a friend of a friend of a friend back in 1978, believe it was in Lorton or Pohick, VA. I've contacted DMV here in VA, but their records online only go back 3 years according to the person I spoke with. They mentioned that offline records go back 10 years, so nothing there. Contacted the insurance company (Nationwide) I had back then, but they found no record of it or even my address at the time. Thought that was a bit strange, but didn't appear there was anything else I could do with them. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no records for this car that would give me a VIN to work with, but I now believe that it was in fact a GT. Anyone have any other techniques that I might be able to use to find this vehicle? I would be able to tell it was mine within 5 minutes if I found it due to some ever so slight modifications I had made. I know this is worse than finding a needle in a haystack, but figured it was worth the chance... Thanks, Bob