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ISO My Old 67 Fastback

Discussion in 'Lost, Found & Looking' started by shelby68gt500, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. shelby68gt500

    shelby68gt500 Well-Known Member

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    Jan 29, 2007
    Washington, DC Area
    Made some somewhat recent attempts to locate my old 67 black fastback 289. Found her originally in the parking lot of an apartment complex on Edsall Road in Alexandria, VA. I ended up trading even up my 68 white fastback 289 for her back in 1977. Sold her to a friend of a friend of a friend back in 1978, believe it was in Lorton or Pohick, VA.
    I've contacted DMV here in VA, but their records online only go back 3 years according to the person I spoke with. They mentioned that offline records go back 10 years, so nothing there. Contacted the insurance company (Nationwide) I had back then, but they found no record of it or even my address at the time. Thought that was a bit strange, but didn't appear there was anything else I could do with them.
    Unfortunately, I have absolutely no records for this car that would give me a VIN to work with, but I now believe that it was in fact a GT.
    Anyone have any other techniques that I might be able to use to find this vehicle? I would be able to tell it was mine within 5 minutes if I found it due to some ever so slight modifications I had made.
    I know this is worse than finding a needle in a haystack, but figured it was worth the chance...

    Thanks, Bob

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