SAAC has listed a past owner of 6S554 as Steve Jackson from Wisconsin. For certain Jackson is out of sequence as an owner of this car as my brother-in-law was the previous owner and he bought the car from Bill and/or Bob Ash(bothers) in Des Moines, IA. Trying to confirm or dispel Jackson as prior owner. If Jackson owned the car it would have been in mid to early 70's. Bill Ash did tell me he owed the car and bought it from a guy in a small town in Wisconsin. He owed several Shelby cars but remembered the car and the drive back to MN from WI well. The car was then titled to Bill Ash. St Paul, MN. Bob Ash had the car in Des Moines, IA and was the purveyer to my brother-in-law, Duane Greubel also of Des Moines at the time. Duane always said he bought the car from Bob Ash which he probably did but the car was actually titled to his brother Bill of St Paul prevous to coming into IA. Bob does not show up as owner on any records.-Ray
Ask Jim @ Shelby Parts and Restoration in Green Bay - he seems to know just about anything that happened up in that area. Mike