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My take on Trademark issues

Discussion in 'Open Community Forum' started by daltondavid, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Well here goes my 2 cents...a few years ago, like 10 or 15 years ago, "Harley Davidson" did the very same thing that "FORD" and "SHELBY AUTOS" are currently doing. :thumbdown "Protecting" their trade marked products from being manufactured and sold by Folks that they are unfamiliar with. Back when H-D did this, they had been on the skids financially for some time. Us bearded Tattooed guys who rode their oil dripping, out dated machines kept them in business before the Yuppie crowd and Reagan saved them from Total Bankruptcy. During the period prior to the Crackdown by H-D, folks were producing numerous items and not asking Harley for permission or kicking up any royalties. Many off the wall products bearing the familiar Black and Orange "Bar and Shield Harley Davidson" LOGO. Drug Paraphernalia like "BONGS", Harley Davidson edible underwear, Harley Davidson T-Shirts with Profanity, people even named their kids "Harley" (Sound familiar yet??) :doh: Harley Davidson Dog Collars, Harley Cigarette Lighters even Harley BEER!! the list is too lengthy to go on but you get the point. Now these items were all entertaining "Novelty items". And anybody worth a quart of 70 weight oil understood that Harley Davidson themselves were not producing these products. Instead it was being done by the very same Bikers who rode Harleys and spread the good name on whatever they could produce. Free advertisement many said. Well next thing you know, Harley Davidson started hitting swap meets confiscating entire loads of T-Shirts, Bandannas, Knives, etc. anything a vendor had for sale with the words "Harley Davidson" on them was fair game! :noway: they went as far as going after the numerous businesses that used the infamous "Bar and Shield" LOGO to put their name on for signs or advertising. Yeah it was a big stink as I recall. And everybody back then was gonna stop riding Harleys:guns: .......I just can't remember what year this happened. But I know it did!! My Harley is still in the Garage in between 2 Shelby's:wacko: ....! Nowadays, after the smoke cleared from the Harley Bongs being put out, anything and I mean anything with "Harley Davidson" on it has a little "Licensing Rights" label somewhere on it. which basically means they may be making $00.25 on each T shirt sold at Wal-Mart. but add them all up and they are making BIG MONEY now!! and Nobody really even speaks of what happened back then because as Americans, we learn to just Deal with it. $3.00 bucks a gallon for gas you say?? I thought we were all supposed to riot over that!! We bitched and moaned and after a few short months of paying this, I get excited to find a station that has 87 octane fuel for $2.99/gallon!! :mad: Sick huh? but I digress. as for how the Harley thing turned out, the Big Bad Harley Brass won hands down as the competition could not come together and muster an attack against them. I will say this incident was "pre-internet", so I do not know how any proposed Boycotts will play out. Maybe Tony Branda and all the other vendors should pull out of the SAAC convention?? That might be the shot heard round the world!:guns: Start the revolution!! In summation, I think it stinks. And I believe it is a little too late to cry foul. And there is a reasonable alternative to end all of this. A simple "AMNESTY" Program could be created where all the "Violators", ie: Product Mfgrs., Magazines and web sites could apply to, and be heard by a "Fact finding" Panel. Then determine their fate after hearing how long they have used the Name for their business or created and sold GOOD parts thus keeping the "Mustang" (Am I allowed to say that??) and the Hobby surrounding it alive which in turn has influenced and generated Dollars for both Companies. So There!:guns: Now pull out your Shelby underwear, fire up your Old school Mustang Bong and Take to the Streets People!! :angry: "ATTICA-ATTICA-ATTICA......."
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2008
  2. steele138

    steele138 Well-Known Member

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    Apr 19, 2005
    as i understand this alot of the vendors they are after have legal agreements with shelby or ford;[takes moment to swill cold brew from SHELBY bootleg beer stien] the un licenced crap ok;get em people who kept the faith in the dark years,cut them a deal...ok lets go out on a limb;doesn't FORD and SHELBY owe alot to A CERTAIN CLONE? would we have had the resurgence in popularity in these cars if Foose had tricked out a Mach 1?
    just my opinion; steele
  3. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    I don't think people are up set over Shelby and Ford cracking down on who sells the licensed parts and stopping who is selling unlicensed parts. What is up setting people (myself included) is that Ford has decided NOW to tell businesses that they can no longer use the word Mustang, Stang or Pony in there Company Name no mater how long they have been in Business. MUSTANGS UNLIMITED has been in business for over 25 Years and Ford is just NOW telling them to change there name or else. I have owned MUSTANG F/X, Inc. for 7 years so I am now changing my company name before Fords comes after me as well. I don't blame Shelby for limiting who can SELL Shelby parts, but I do believe that it will hurt in the long run if he limits who can BUY the Shelby parts. Ford should not make businesses change there names.
  4. ghost

    ghost Well-Known Member

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    Nov 15, 2005
    So how are they going to determine who owns a real shelby, are they going to go by the registry or do we gotta send a bunch of paperwork. I got no problem with authenticy and selling to owners since I got a real one, but I have enough paperwork to do in my life now. I think I might join the Attica, Attica group.... and speaking of that, today the newspaper was talking about troop withdrawals, kind of sounds familiar doesn't it.
  5. 66GT350PS

    66GT350PS Well-Known Member

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    Sep 7, 2005
    Tony Branda announced today at SAAC 31 that this was the last day of selling automotive "Shelby" logo and name items to non Shelby vehicles. The attack of the clones has begun. I am happy that I have an original 6S-2157 but do not look forward to all the extra paper work to order parts. I cannot do phone orders for special Shelby parts now. But I do understand the rationale.
  6. ghost

    ghost Well-Known Member

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    Nov 15, 2005
    Did they say what we have to do to order Shelby stuff from them, I the last year my shop guys Race and Truck Specialists ( RATS) and Jerry Kirkland my paint guy have ordered a bunch of stuff for my 68 GT 350 from Branda that is Shelby specific.
  7. ghost

    ghost Well-Known Member

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    Nov 15, 2005
    If it were not for parts availablity from these Mustang parts shops and Branda I would not have been able to affordably rebuild the car. You cannot rely on Ford to get you parts. Ford service and body shops are clueless on repair and restoration on anything that is not current production. Ford should thank all these independant guys for keeping the Ford Mustang legend alive for them for the last twenty years while they jacked around. Todays Mustang is a good looking car, it is very retro, guess why. Lee and Carroll and Steve McQueen in Bullit did it in the 60's and then Gone in 60 seconds ( both versions ) reminded people again of one of the greatest cars ever made.

    Get your royalty, keep it pure, keep it simple . Don't kill the goose.

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