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Not Shelby BUT Very Interesting

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 wrote:

    > Everone:
    > I find this very interesting. Although its not Shelby info , its close enough for me because I almost named my 65-350 car "little turd 2" (smile)
    > CNN - Volo's 1 Million Offer
    > Dean's Curse

    I know there was an article in Car & Driver many years ago where a Porsche
    enthusiast bought a transaxle to restore his 550, and it turned out to
    be the trans out of Dean's car. Apparently it had been traveling around
    the swap meet circuit for a couple of decades at that point. I think parts
    of the engine with serial number stampings turned up too. The rumor about
    the car disappearance was that Dean's family had it stolen bceause of the
    bad things happening and the fact that publicly were against the "safety
    campaign" that was using the accident for publicity. FWIW, computer
    modeling over the years has pretty much proven that Dean was going about
    the speed limit, he was not traveling at the 85-100 mph that was rumored.


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