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Re: 1969 MustangGT hood

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Ronald Robertson, Mar 10, 2005.

    Due to premature senility (my wife would ask if it is premature), my earlier message on the 1969 Mustang GT hood is incorrect. The underside of my hood is O.K.; it is the topside that looks crummy and that is hidden by the hood scoop.
    A visit to my friendly body shop straightened me out. Sorry for the misinformation. All is well.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ronald Robertson
    To: Shelby Mustang
    Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:25 PM
    Subject: 1969 MustangGT hood

    Need some help from the experts.
    I have a 1969 Mustang GT hood which is a reproduction. The problem with the reproductions is that you cannot, at least I cannot, buy one with the cut outs for the hood mounted turn signals. NPD for example, has them for the 1967-68's, but not the 1969-70's. There are two oval cut outs at the firewall end of the hood that I would like to duplicate. Would appreciate some sort of template or advice on how to locate and cut out those holes to match the original hood.

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