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RE: 65-350 Stripe

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Bill Wells, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Bill Wells

    Bill Wells Guest

    i dont have a tony branda catalogue handy, will look later, but i know my
    most current is a couple of years out of date. however, in the last couple i
    saw they had paint codes for some of the stripe colors ( hertz gold anyway)
    and showed the correct dimensions for the stripes as they moved from front
    to rear. and they DID DIFFER dimensionally as they extended from front to
    back. the stripes were NOT uniform in width , instead varied for an optical
    affect of visual uniformity . bill, motown

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:55 AM
    To:; Shelby List
    Subject: Re: 65-350 Stripe

    Not sure how much differenence ther is between the hood and cowl stripes but
    try this.

    The original instructions Shelby used and supplied to dealers called for
    trappered stripes (thinner at the front and rear of the car) to reduce the
    coke bottle effect that consistant thickness stripes would visually cause.

    Since prep was just enough we would expect to see paint overspray into the
    cowl sections. If they were dealer and even Shelby done, there would be
    overspray in a number of other areas. Of course these cars are often over
    restored. ... remember a R model that had stripes applied inside the cowl
    then they reinstalled the cowl.

    Hope this helps

    Jeff S

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Nov 16, 2005 9:40 PM
    To: Shelby List <>
    Subject: 65-350 Stripe

    Hey Alpha Omega Shelby guys:

    I have a question. I just looked over my 65-350 car to help a friend out on
    his 65 350 car purchase and I discovered something I think is unusual on my
    The Le Mans stripes dont exactly line up and the car was ordered with
    factory Le Mans stripes. It seems that the stripes on the fiberglass hood
    are narrower then the stripes on the cowl vent area
    and on the top.
    Basically, the top and cowl stripes are wider than the stipes on the hood.
    Is this correct or did someone mess around with it. There is about a 2 inch
    gap between the stripes thats even through out
    the car but the width of the skunk stripes are not the same.

    Whats also interesting is that the cowl vent didn't get covered up when they
    painted the stripes. I can see blue paint inside the cowl vent area.

    Thanks for any info.


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