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Re: Article

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. 12/23/2005


    Are you referring to a LONG LOST GT 40, found, during an Auction, in

    There is also the well-known story of the First GT 40, buried at Sebring. We
    heard a report, the car is coming back alive.

    As for buried, submerged and damaged cars:
    Sports Car Market, had an article on Insurance claims, resulting from
    Hurricane Katrina.
    Check out Jan 2006, page 28.

    Our friends & customers in the Florida Keys, experienced a 10.5 foot tidal
    flood. It was
    witnessed, you could float a 40 foot trawler, down Highway US 1. This never
    even made the news in Central Florida.

    Katrina submerged many classics in salt water. They could be saved by
    complete dismantling and acid tank dipping. I would expect, few restorers to go
    to those lengths.
    So.... Buyers be ware. These car will be on the market soon !

    Pete Geisler
    Orlando Mustang
    407 688 1966

    I am trying to find an article that was written in regards to a GT 40 found
    stuck in the mud next to a collapsed garage. I do not know the article source
    or which magazine it was in. I have read it within the last 6 months. I am
    just wondering if this rings a bell with anyone, and if it does can you let me
    know where to find the article? I have about a thousand automobile
    magazines, and it would be nice not searching them all for this short article.
    Thanks and Happy Holidays to all.
    Bob L.

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