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RE: Buyer's Premiums on eBay?

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by steve, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. steve

    steve Guest

    I've seen buyers premiums on the "Go Antiques" seller's (live) auctions on
    ebay. See item # 6569862929 with a 17.5% buyers premium

    - Steve
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ecj []
    Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 10:52 AM
    Subject: Re: Buyer's Premiums on eBay?

    I can't say I've ever seen this in an E-Bay auction before. I've seen the
    dealer fee thing before, but the only other things I have seen on E-Bay are
    new car dealers selling a vehicle over list price and that they don't have
    the vehicle on-hand yet or a buyer with a deposit on a new car letting you
    take his place for the vehicle.

    Jim Seisser

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Oct 17, 2005 10:00 AM
    Subject: Buyer's Premiums on eBay?


    A rare post to both of the marque lists I monitor. Christine just sent me
    an eBay listing (for furniture, but read on...) for a fairly expensive item
    that contained a provision for a 22.5% buyer's premium in the terms of sale.
    Since I had not seen this before, other than the occasional "documentation
    fee" from car dealers that sell on eBay, I wondered if anyone else had seen
    anything like this before in an online auction.

    I know that we put up with buyer premiums in collector car auctions
    ranging from 8-15%, and they have become the rule in the machinery auctions
    that I sometimes attend in the course of our business. However, this seller
    has obviously confused their place in the auction continuum with Christie's
    or one of the other high-end houses.

    It goes without saying that any purchaser should read and understand the
    terms and conditions of sale for items that he buys, and this one was not
    particularly sneaky. I just didn't expect to see that particular term on an
    eBay listing.

    Mike Heroy

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