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Re: Check out eBay item 4525547912 (Ends Feb-14-05 12:50:36 PST) -

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by ecj, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. ecj

    ecj Guest

    <META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
    <DIV>Kenny, </DIV>
    <DIV>I'm not trying to pick a fight here. You don't have to have a "specific" point at all to post an auction notice for the group. I'm sure there are many who would thank you for it. For the most part I&nbsp;have no issue&nbsp;in you doing this and I'll guess that most others here won't object either. </DIV>
    <DIV>The point "I" was trying to make is that is all you did was post an E-Bay&nbsp;link without any comment or explamination on why you wanted us all to go look at it or what the link was even&nbsp;about. In the future out of courtesy for you or anybody else, it would nice to at least add at a line of text telling people what you are directing our attention to.&nbsp;All you had to say was something like; "Hey, nice 1967 GT500 for sale on E-Bay." If you don't add a line of text in your e-mail that makes relevent sense to our Shelby loving group, how do we know your note is not a virus e-mail note and launching the&nbsp;link&nbsp;would launch a virus in our computer? With out a line of text many people may have just figured it was safer to delete your e-mail than to risk getting a computer virus.&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
    <DIV>Another issue I'd like to point out is internet access speed. I am fortune enough&nbsp;to have upgraded my internet service to DDL so my connection speed is pretty quick compared my&nbsp;phone line link days. However, I'm sure there are&nbsp;still a lot of people in the group&nbsp;still using the phone line to connect into the internet. Waiting for pictures to download from an auction can take a long time. Was your auction link to a nice '67 Shelby, an Eleanor clone or a bogus E-Bay ad?&nbsp;No one knows for sure&nbsp;till they open&nbsp;the link to see it and if the person is connecting via a phone line it could be a lengthy down load just to find out it was a waste of their time. &nbsp;</DIV>
    <DIV>In the future if one is sending an e-mail with a link it would be nice if one would include more than just the link itself. Give us a clue&nbsp;what the link is for please.&nbsp;Thanks!<BR></DIV>
    <DIV>Jim Seisser<BR><BR>-----Original Message----- <BR>From: <BR>Sent: Feb 10, 2005 6:20 AM <BR>To:, <BR>Subject: Re: Check out eBay item 4525547912 (Ends Feb-14-05 12:50:36 PST) - Shelby : A... <BR><BR></DIV><ZZZHTML><ZZZHEAD><ZZZMETA content="text/html; charset=US-ASCII" http-equiv="Content-Type" charset="US-ASCII"><ZZZMETA content="MSHTML 5.50.4134.100" name="GENERATOR"></ZZZHEAD><ZZZBODY style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">
    <DIV>Didn't think I had to have a point to post an auction. It's up there for anyone who wants to&nbsp; track it.</DIV>
    <DIV>I guess a car has to be a real p.o.s, or a fake&nbsp;for it to be posted on the list these days so we can mock it and make fun of whoever buys it.</DIV>
    <DIV>This car&nbsp;happens to be a&nbsp;nice example for a change, however there are several things incorrect on it.</DIV>
    <DIV>$150K for an automatic........let's see where it goes?</DIV>
    <DIV>&nbsp;I would have let it go for $190K.</DIV>

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