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Re: lift info needed (ADVICE TOO!)

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Steve Ainsworth, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. Fella's,

    I installed an Eagle XLT 7000 four post lift about a year ago in my shop at the house. I was told by Eagle that I would have about a half hour to get the lift off the truck when it arrived at the house or be charged standby time. If you have access to a fork lift or some other piece of equipment to get it off the truck that is not a problem. If you don't, you probably should have three or four buddies there to help you disassemble the lift bundle and take it off piece by piece. the heaviest piece is the rail with the hydraulic ram under it. I actually had the lift delivered to the trucking companies distribution center and took a flat bed car trailer there. They used a fork lift to put the entire lift package on the trailer and I hauled it home. There is less stress that way. My brother in law and I built the life in one afternoon. We went through more than a 6 pack but less than a 12 pack. I bought the wheels with my lift so was able to move it into position after I assembled it.
    Grab one or two buddies and you will have a fun afternoon project. Love my lift.

    Steve Ainsworth (sfm6s598)

    Musclecars001 <> wrote:

    1. What is the name of the lift company that went
    belly up? Is your unit broken and can't be serviced?

    2. Do any of you folks have any experience actually
    INSTALLING A 4 POST LIFT? I have the skills to
    assemble, but I'm more concerned about unloading and
    initial positioning before assembly. For example, did
    you actually need a forklift to unload it, or did you
    grab some neighbors? Or what?

    3. If applicable, how many "normal sized" neighbors /
    buddies (and beers) did you need?


    --- Olaf Herrick wrote:

    > Hello to all of you. Would anyone have an opinion
    > regarding a 4 post
    > drive-on lift. I have one already but the company
    > went belly up . In any
    > case I would like to get the most bang for the buck
    > but I don't want to be
    > penny wise and pound foolish. Thanks for any input.
    > Olaf

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