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Re: Mike Drew, car guy extrodinaire

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. In a message dated 1/27/05 0:39:23, writes:

    << With the pickle suit, you'll have no need to reply to the Officer's
    question, "OK boy, just who gave to the flying license for that thing?"

    (A good friend got out of one speeding ticket by responding to a like
    question by pulling his flying license out.)

    >>>HAHAHAHAAH!!! I'll have to remember that one!

    >Your stories and pics are always a joy, >>

    >>>Glad you like 'em. To me, half the fun of doing anything is being able to

    share the experience. Ain't the internet grand? :>)


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