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Re: Re: Shelby value opinions solicited

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Guest, Apr 16, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    > A car is worth what a buyer is willing to pay and the seller accept. Auction conditions create a feeding frenzy, especially if it is full of well heeled buyers doing it on a lark, lubricated with liquid libation. Base the price of my car on what the auctions bring? That's a great ego trip. I have learned, however, not to price a car unless you will sell it. I have seen too many folks that wished they had not priced it so high nobody would bite and the shark got their wheels.

    As far as modified or stock: I have one 1965 Mustang GT convertible, pony interior, fresh concours driver restoration with 600 miles. I have a 64 1/2 convertible with a FiberFab front clip that is so modified I had to get street rod insurance on it. I enjoy both cars and would sell either. The stock one would sell quickly for top dollar. The modified car has been off and on for sale for the 10 years since I finished it. Build it like you want it, but you hit the nail right when you said keep the stock parts. More advice, take it or leave it.

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