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Re: Rebuttle

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Stephen G. Becker, May 19, 2005.

  1. "A wink and a nod" to you, as well...................


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Tom Kubler
    To: Stephen G. Becker
    Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 6:36 PM
    Subject: Re: Rebuttle

    I can't say I always agree with your opinions, or delivery, but... he "mesa'd" up, and you delivered, as appropriate!

    Since so much of what he was talking about wasn't in the faux-auction, the thought crossed my mind it was a set-up...

    Tom 'and I need fewer words?' Kubler

    ** grin and a wink**

    "Stephen G. Becker" <> wrote:
    I just got back to my office, this afternoon, and read this e mail and looked at my calendar to make sure it was not April 1st (again). Clearly TG is totally miss-informed and, with this e mail rebuttal, will be "correctly" informed once and for all. This will be the only time I address this matter as it is most apparent that folks on this list want this list to be used for the purpose it was set up for.

    Obviously, many people have already pointed out that the e bay auction is, in fact, a fake. I have never seen that link before, the auction before nor have I ever seen pictures af the car that is being represented in the fake auction before. It is an obvious (bad) attempt to dis-credit me, my reputation along with slandering the history of this car.

    Obviously, with a fake auction would come fake information including seller, owner, VIN # and mileage. I can assure the list and those who really care that the mileage on my auction was the true and correct mileage of the car based on title to new and the former owners written e mail statements to me on October 13th 2004.

    See folks, I save EVERYTHING that is ever sent to me (and I do mean everything). Thus, when some clown comes along and attempts to mess with me I can rebuttal with actual words that were sent to me in the first place. I always have a source I can refer back to or I will not put it in print.

    Which, brings me to the attached picture of the car with the original owner "unearthing it" in late 1999/early 2000 from his garage. Again, this picture was provided to me by the former owner prior to my purchasing the car. Neat, huh?

    I put the history of the car up on the auction that was given to me by Vince Liska at SAAC. I on purposely removed the former owners name as a courtesy to that owner(s) who wished to not have their name spread all over the internet. It is IN NO WAY an attempt by me to cover anything up just a common courtesy to the former owner(s) who wish that their name not be put out on the internet for all to see.

    Before purchasing the car I asked the former owner (Sarah Payne) who Mr.Pine was and was told (again, in writing - subsequent e mail from October, 2004) that he worked for the original owner and had the car to settle the estate before giving it to Sarah Payne who was the original owners grand-daughter. This was quoted to me, in writing, VIA E mail by Ms. Payne on October 13, 2004.

    In reference to TG's questions (by number) I will answer them like this:

    #1 - I have no idea who would do this. When you are in the public eye you have to have very thick skin and understand that some people are idiots and do things out of spite, just for attention or just because they have nothing else to do.

    # 2 -Mr. Pine's position is stated above.

    # 3 - No "sanitizing" done whatsoever. Anyone, either before, during or after the auction could have contacted SAAC, directly, and been given the names that were left off on the auction history. Additionally, I had several people who were bidding on the car that asked for the names and, once I deemed them "real" buyers (and not just information hunters) I gladly released that information to them.

    # 4 - The car in the photos is not this car - I have no idea who's car that is or if it is even a "real" car.

    # 5 - Again, not this car

    # 6 - Again, not this car

    # 7 - My car had only one re-paint (according to written correspondence from the former owner - the original owners grand-daughter) and if you look at the photos of it in the old man's garage you will see GOLD stripes which is the same way it is today.

    # 8 - I have no idea what you are referring to

    # 9 - Those three items were addressed by my private Shelby mechanic weeks ago. The reason they were not on the car, at the time of the photos being taken, was that I had all three items, NOS, in transit to me, at that time.

    To be honost - I feel sorry for TG - I feel sorry that he felt that he needed to attack me in a public forum in such a way that made him look like......well, an idiot. His information is bad, his investigation methods are flawed and his "friends" in Mesa did just that - They Mesa'ed with him - LOL!!

    I have never dealt with or spoken to TG and I doubt I will get a Christmas card from him this year.

    Stephen Becker


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "T Gatewood Enterprises" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:06 AM
    Subject: 9F03R480878 Interesting Link and Numerous Questions

    > Beautiful car-- clearly a record-setting benchmark
    > that deserves attention and helps us all in the value
    > department. That being said, some acquaintances
    > outside of Mesa were expressing some concerns which I
    > initially dismissed. That is, until one of them
    > eventually called my attention to the following eBay
    > auction (4548939008) linked below:
    > Take a look at the mileage this guy lists-- 213,000!
    > Why would they do this? (Question 1) I thought
    > Stephen purchased it from a "member of the family."
    > Was Stan Pine a member of the Merlino family?
    > (Question 2). And, why did Mr. Becker conveniently
    > leave o! ut the previous owner's name from the Shelby
    > Registry description? (Question 3) Is he doing a
    > little "sanitizing" of the ownership chain? Wow--
    > didn't know you could remove owners when it didn't
    > support your story!
    > Also, the car in that shop is clearly apart-- looks
    > like a full engine and front end detail to me, much
    > more than the auction implies (Question 4). And if
    > you look closely, the stripes are clearly white, not
    > yellow. How can that be? (Question 5) That can only
    > mean one of two things: Either it's 878's second
    > repaint (wrong color stripes the first refinish) or
    > 878 is currently restored with the wrong color
    > stripes. As most T5's had yellow stripes, I can only
    > conclude it's the second repaint for this car
    > (Question 6). Oops.
    > Now why would a car with only 13,000 claimed original
    > miles have need for TWO paint jobs? (Question 7).
    > And is this even plausible given that this car had
    > OVER 9,000 miles for its last recorded service
    > December of 1969? That means that this flashy neat
    > car has only been driven 111 (yes, one hundred and
    > eleven) miles PER YEAR for the PAST 36 YEARS! How can
    > that possibly be given the number of miles traveled
    > during its first and the original owner was alive
    > through much of this history. (Question 8).
    > Questions 9, 10, and 11 below: For 250k, will Steve
    > be throwing in:
    > 9. A correct radiator cap
    > 10. Trunk cardboard for the taillights (2 pieces)
    > 11. The correct Cobra Jet Ram Air sticker for the air
    > cleaner?
    > And, more importantly, an explanation of questions 1
    > through 8?
    > Please understand that I am only taking a break from
    > a! ll the "patting ourselves on the back" talk to embark
    > on an exercise in critical thinking about 9F03R480878.
    > Indeed, with such a world record price on claimed
    > provenance and low mileage comes the responsibility to
    > deal with the attention such a sale might bring.
    > Accordingly, it makes sense to vet these issues in a
    > forum such as this for healthy discussion from the
    > most knowledgeable Shelby enthusiasts who comprise
    > this forum.
    > TG
    > __________________________________
    > Yahoo! Mail Mobile
    > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

    Yahoo! Mail Mobile
    Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

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