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Re: Shelby e-bay auctions

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. for me the situation is really easy
    I cannot afford to buy any more cars, hell I cannot afford my cars.
    So I guess I am just done, keep what I have and do not worry about it.
    I will never see a penny back from my cars as I cannot sell them as I could
    never afford to replace them.
    So the cars will become my daughters problem, when I am dead she can do what
    she wants with them whether that be keep or sell.

    That brings up another point.
    I do not believe that it is right to have expectations of your family to love
    your stuff like you do. Some people get mad at the idea that your kids would
    sell off your prized collection when you pass. but is it better to have them
    keep them and let them rot when someone that would really enjoy them could have
    them? I think my doughtier would keep them as she has grown up around them
    and at 9 years old has already asked if she will get to drive them, but I have
    no expectation of her to keep them and I belive she is smart enough that she
    will not get ripped off if she sold them.

  2. On Tue, 20 Dec 2005, wrote:

    > That brings up another point.
    > I do not believe that it is right to have expectations of your family to love
    > your stuff like you do. Some people get mad at the idea that your kids would
    > sell off your prized collection when you pass. but is it better to have them
    > keep them and let them rot when someone that would really enjoy them could have
    > them? I think my doughtier would keep them as she has grown up around them
    > and at 9 years old has already asked if she will get to drive them, but I have
    > no expectation of her to keep them and I belive she is smart enough that she
    > will not get ripped off if she sold them.

    My daughter is named Shelby. To her the car is enough of a namesake that
    she appreciates it properly.

    Calvin <<--my blog <<--my ebay stuff
  3. Joe Bright

    Joe Bright Guest

    Bob, Just like you cannot expect your children to dream the dreams of your childhood, you also cannot expect them to love the hobbies that you love. I've got a car for each of my kids and each of my grandchildren. They can drive them when they are at my house and on that fateful day when the Good Lord calls me home then the cars are theirs to do with as they wish. Joe Bright.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:01 AM
    Subject: Re: Shelby e-bay auctions

    for me the situation is really easy
    I cannot afford to buy any more cars, hell I cannot afford my cars.
    So I guess I am just done, keep what I have and do not worry about it.
    I will never see a penny back from my cars as I cannot sell them as I could never afford to replace them.
    So the cars will become my daughters problem, when I am dead she can do what she wants with them whether that be keep or sell.

    That brings up another point.
    I do not believe that it is right to have expectations of your family to love your stuff like you do. Some people get mad at the idea that your kids would sell off your prized collection when you pass. but is it better to have them keep them and let them rot when someone that would really enjoy them could have them? I think my doughtier would keep them as she has grown up around them and at 9 years old has already asked if she will get to drive them, but I have no expectation of her to keep them and I belive she is smart enough that she will not get ripped off if she sold them.


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