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Re: Trying for a "matched set" 1967 and 20'07 GT500

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Tom Kubler, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Tom Kubler

    Tom Kubler Guest

    I kind'a like the idea of buying enough S-A stock to leverage/Influence to get a specific car...

    Tom K

    MHeroy (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

    I've been contemplating somehow organizing to buy one of the new 2007 GT500's in such a way that I wind up with a car that is as close as possible a match to my 1967 GT500 #841. So far, it's not looking possible to match the last three VIN digits as well as the color (the ideal), as the three Ford dealers I've talked with just don't think that Ford will cooperate well enough with dealer requests to get the job done. I'm not even sure that Dark Blue will be an available color.

    That said, does anyone else have an idea how this might be accomplished, other than blind luck? It's not going to ruin my day if I don't manage it, but I think it would be a worthwhile goal, not so much as an investment but for the fun of opening the warehouse door each day and picking a driver.

    Any helpful comments appreciated, of course...

    Mike Heroy
    67 GT500 #841
    68 GT500 #389

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