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Re: What happens when a racing champ makes a sports car? (was: 427 SOHC and Ford Hi Perf ...)

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. In a message dated 1/1/06 20:39:45, jdettori (AT) optonline (DOT) net writes:

    << I know this because I am looking at the ad now. See the attached pic. >>

    >>>That ad is also available as a 20x30 inch (or thereabouts) poster; I have

    one hanging in my livingroom.

    Note that the ad features dealer contact information at the bottom; the ads
    were produced and distributed regionally. So the one that you sent had a very
    east coast orientation; west coast readers of the same magazine would have
    seen the same ad except that west coast dealerships would have been listed; same
    goes for the midwest, the south, etc.


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