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RE: What is a "Pinhooker"

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by James G Cowles, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. unless theres another meaning I recall noted Ford parts authority Carl
    Hansen looking at the many trucks coming in to the parts area at Carlisle
    and the people on the outside trying to buy the parts before they came in.
    He told me that reminded him of the pin hookers at the livestock auctions he
    used to attend trying to get a great deal then bringing the parts in and
    reselling them at a profit.
    A great example of this is occurs at Indoor Colmbus where all the vendors
    are there a day early and gleen all the good parts before the general public
    comes in and marks up all their steals. Pin hooking at its best

    >From: "Patrick Krook" <mrhtwls (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>
    >To: "'James G Cowles'"
    ><shelbyparts (AT) msn (DOT) com>,<pat (AT) showyourauto (DOT) com>,<mrgt350 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>,<SSIMM (AT) triad (DOT)>,<jonlee (AT) wt (DOT) net>,<shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com>
    >Subject: RE: What is a "Pinhooker"
    >Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:24:15 -0600
    >Historically, the term Pinhooker refers to individuals who pick the
    >remaining fruits and vegetables from farmers fields after the initial
    >harvest has been completed, selling the farmers fruit as their own.
    >"Pinhooker" in this cars is a term used to describe a con-man who
    >perpetrates a grift that runs like this: Guy poses as a "buyer" or a
    >"friend of a buyer" for your car, comes to your house, crawls all over
    >the car taking pictures and asking detailed questions and may even
    >hammer you on price and then leaves with an excuse of "I'll let me
    >friend see these photos and get back to you" or "I am going in on the
    >car with a friend, can I leave a small deposit and get back to you?"
    >You don't hear back from him and in the mean time, they are spamming
    >photos of your car all over the internet trying to "flip" your car
    >before even buying it! In other words, a "flipper" without cash.
    >How to protect yourself: Most effective, Don't let private parties take
    >photos of your car. If they want to come out and see it personally with
    >the idea of purchasing it, tell them to come cash ready to buy it.
    >If they insist on photos and you believe them, take them yourself and
    >watermark them with your personal name and phone number in a way that
    >can't be cropped out of the photo. Or, prior to setting up the meeting
    >take a conditional deposit from the prospective buyer equaling 5 - 10%
    >of the asking price or agreed purchase price and allow only a
    >credentialed 3rd party inspector to examine the vehicle on their behalf.
    >Verify the inspectors credentials by calling the company they are from
    >to confirm the appointment or check them with the IADA or similar
    >governing body.
    >At Show Your Auto, to protect sellers from pinhookers, we take photos of
    >the car ourselves or use owner supplied photos and watermark them with
    >our website info and phone number as well as use an invisible digital
    >tracking watermark so we can see if the photos popup on the internet
    >somewhere other then where we put them.
    >Often, we conduct a walk around and inspection that addresses most buyer
    >questions and concerns, enough that they feel comfortable purchasing a
    >car without inspection or at least giving us an "earnest money" deposit
    >pending their own personal inspection or 3rd party inspection.
    >The best way to protect against Pinhookers, tolls, and other scammers,
    >as well as undetected "surprises" about this car is for the private
    >seller to hire a 3rd party inspector to go over the vehicle BEFORE the
    >By having your car 3rd party inspector who is expertly qualified for
    >your make and model and has no conflict of interest by also being a
    >classic car dealer, broker, or "an appraiser who brokers", the owner
    >gets informed and objective feedback about the quality and condition of
    >their car.
    >This way, the owner of the car is the one who controls the photos,
    >safeguards them from misuse and also has the advantage to correct things
    >that were observed during inspection prior the marketing and sale of the
    >vehicle rather than try to react to claims made by buyers in an attempt
    >to use undisclosed as a negotiating tool.
    >We have a continually growing list of independent 3rd party inspectors
    >qualified to conduct pre-purchase inspections for various marques. For
    >Show Your Auto's upcoming on-line auction event, March of the Muscle
    >Cars, we are requiring that every consignor have their car inspected
    >before the auction begins.
    >Hope that helps!
    >Show Your Auto llc
    >Patrick Krook
    >pat (AT) showyourauto (DOT) com
    >P.O. 4221
    >Antioch IL 60002
    >tel: (847) 838-3749
    >fax: (847) 574-5910
    >mobile: (224) 430-0931
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: James G Cowles [mailto:shelbyparts (AT) msn (DOT) com]
    >Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:50 PM
    >To: pat (AT) showyourauto (DOT) com; colin (AT) colinsclassicauto (DOT) com;
    >mrgt350 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com; SSIMM (AT) triad (DOT); jonlee (AT) wt (DOT) net;
    >shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    >Subject: Re: Stephen responds
    >Pat: maybe explain to the masses what a pin hooker is. I havent heard
    >term in ages

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