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Shelby American mag.

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by g adams, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. g adams

    g adams Guest

    Does anyone know when the last issue was. I guess we
    are probably down to one per year. It is kind of
    irritating as the other clubs I belong to, Porsche and
    BMW, have a monthly magazine and it is just as good if
    not better than the Shelby American that they brag
    about. Great deal for the money. Privilege of being
    a member I guess.


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    STAN SIMM Guest

    Greg (and all)-
    The problem is numbers...SAAC has only a few thousand members (probably
    5-7 thou) whereas PCA and BMWCCA have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10
    times that many. Price per copy goes way down when the numbers go way up,
    i.e., it costs much less per copy to produce 50k copies than it does 5K.
    This is one of the reasons that SAAC is probably welcoming the owners of
    GT's and the soon-to-be-released GT500...They need the new members.
    Regards, Stan

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "g adams" <mrgt350 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>
    To: <shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 11:02 PM
    Subject: Shelby American mag.

    > Does anyone know when the last issue was. I guess we
    > are probably down to one per year. It is kind of
    > irritating as the other clubs I belong to, Porsche and
    > BMW, have a monthly magazine and it is just as good if
    > not better than the Shelby American that they brag
    > about. Great deal for the money. Privilege of being
    > a member I guess.
    > Greg
    > __________________________________________________
    > Do You Yahoo!?
    > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

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