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Shelby and SAAC at Odds

Discussion in 'Shelby History and Miscellaneous Topics' started by daltondavid, Nov 5, 2007.

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  1. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    Dave, thanks for the sincere insight -- appreciate that. I sincerely hope this will be worked out to everebody's satisfaction, esp the enthusiasts.

  2. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Here is a link that I think will be helpful to everybody Old and New to this Hobby. they are interviews with SHELBY and Kopec from 20 years ago. It is also interesting as these were done during Carroll's "Dodge" years!! so this is an added bonus for that crowd that has felt "Left out in the cold!" enjoy!;topicseen#msg2760
  3. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

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    Jan 1, 2004
    Dallas, TX
  4. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

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    Jan 1, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    Charley, there's no reason why it would be removed except for the fact that you already posted it here within this same thread on December 11th, 2007, 03:59 PM.
    I know, we don't always remember what was posted previously when you have a 17 page thread.
    Just a reminder to everyone to please watch the duplicate posts. They will be removed. That's our standard policy. Thanks,
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2008
  5. shelbnut

    shelbnut Active Member

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    Aug 27, 2005
    Carroll Shelby Interview and History film :thumbsup: . Watching Cobra's and GT40's at speed still gives me goosebumps. With or without Carroll Shelby and/or SAAC, that will never change.
  6. DeLa1Rob

    DeLa1Rob Well-Known Member

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    Sep 9, 2004
    Long Prairie, Minnesota USA
    Does any one know if the full video is available for the Shelby Dodge series? I wonder what they had going with that black 600 coupe in the background. Is the Shelby Charger in the video Carroll's personal car? Is that 1st Shelby Charger built in '83?

  7. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    All those vids are very cool!!

    CS just has such an easy way about him -- comes across as so genuine and what-you-see-is-what-you-get. When I was a child in the 50s he was already a seasoned hot-rodder and a world class driver.

    Amazing person/life/career!
  8. 65gtfastback

    65gtfastback Well-Known Member

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    May 19, 2006
    @ Nashville
    Its been said this is like a divorce and also we'll have to wait because there are things we don't know. I speculate that one thing we don't know is who drove the wedge between Shelby and SAAC. I'm sure there is a guilty party. Probably one at first and now others along with the paid legal help piling on. Whomever hammered this wedge to begin with should be recognized by both parties and their motives looked at. Shelby is not perfect and neither is SAAC but they are good people. Someone else has been stirring the smelly stuff. Just a thought ... don't want anyone printing any names here unless it comes out in the public record.
  9. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    What's there to be guilty of? If Shelby was displeased for any reason he can terminate the agreement. In fact, either party can under the terms of the agreement as posted elsewhere. If it was Shelby, should he feel guilty for exercisig his legal rights for what he may feel is in his business' best interest?

    Shelby isn't in non-compliance with the contract, is he?
  10. Benzito

    Benzito Well-Known Member

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    Aug 26, 2007


    The disappointing thing for me, as an outsider with no bones to pick with either side, is that you had to "convince" Kopec to finally get a website. Yeah, the internet has only been around for . . . fifteen or twenty years? And why the need to "reinvigorate" the SAAC higher-ups? To me, that sounds strangely like the complaints that CS was lodging - that a club essentially representing his name and the cars he created was being run with a lot to be desired (no website, sporadic magazine / newsletter, etc., not even mentioning any disputes about the money or licensing).

    Even if SAAC wins, their supporters ought to give a wink and nod of appreciation to CS for kicking certain people in the rear end to provide better for their membership.
  11. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    If you go to the SAAC website the posts read like a political party subtly smashing an opponent.

    Even Kopec is participating (bad form, IMO), for example, at SAAC's next big bash they're planning a dunking tank and guy who dresses up like CS (all black, texas hat, etc) so that folks can throw balls at the target and dunk him, with the proceeds from each shot going to their "legal defense fund." Actually, if all was good between the organizations, that would be humerous, but this is Kopec musing about it in the present climate. Could you imagine the outcry if Carrol Shelby himself were to have suggested a dunking tank at his recent 85th birthday bash and had someone dress made-up like Kopec as the mark? Very poor taste and shows where their feelings really are, imo.

    And if you browse over there and read some of the posts, it's like a culture of CS disrespect. Folks removing their CS-sigend glove-box covers speculating that this will now raise the value of the car. Admittedly harmless, but indicative of their newfound and artificially apparent disdain for CS. As it turns out your observation (and I agree) and the SAAC website in general says more about why Shelby should be concerned, imo.

    Of course, no of their subtle Shelby-bashing is illegal -- it's a free country. But I thought it was tacky for Kopec himself (and others) to be stimulating that climate.


    By the way, in those three vids, does anyone know who the scruffy-bearded dude is in the second vid? Is that Kopec or someone else from SAAC or some other historic figure from the 80s? I just don;t recognize that fellow. Also, does anyone know who is interviewing CS in the first car-ride video?

    Just curious... I followed things-Shelby/hi-po from the late 50s to the early 70s but tuned out during the 'dark' Detroit years of low-performance, so there's a lot of folks in that period I probably don't know.

  12. shelby6t5

    shelby6t5 Well-Known Member

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    Oct 22, 2006
    Long Island, NY
    Yes, the second vid is Kopec.

  13. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I have no control over what teamshelby does.....
    It will stay...why wouldnt it?
    Best Regards,
  14. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    Ah, I see ...thanks, Mike.

  15. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    I just noticed this post and since you ask questions I'll give you my take on some of them.

    I don't think anyone needs permission to do a registry if they don't use the trademarked name of the product that is the subject of the registry. So, if I wanted to start a registry of all Ford Mustangs and could figurea out a way of doing that without using the name Ford or Mustang in any advertising, letterhead, literature, etc., there'd be no problem.

    Elvis is dead. You can say anything you want about a dead man. There is no libel if he's dead unless it materially spills over to someone who is living. Shelby is not dead.

    Lincoln, Kennedy and Gerald Ford are dead. You can write a book about someone who is living, but you potentially open yourself to libel. Also, Abraham Lincoln, Gerald Ford and JFK are not trademarks. So I can write a book about the Mustang, but if I plan on using that trademarked name in a manner that helps sell the book, or use it to solicit contributions or for profit in any way, that's can be a problem. For example, I certainly can not open a parts store and name it Joe's Mustang Parts, and Ford cracks down on such non-permitted/licensed trademark violations all the time.

    Similarly, if I were to start up a Ford Mustang Automobile Club registry, I'd be in violation of Ford's IP rights because I'm presumeably using their marks in some form of business.

    I'm not an IP lawyer, but I can assure you such violations are vigorously prosecuted on a regular basis.

    Here's an example I read about some 20 years ago. I won't use the actual brand name here so let's use the word "Phony" to represent the large electronics company. Apparently there was a Mr. Phoney in City-X who owned a deli -- for decades! The name of the deli was Phoney Deli. Well, Phoney, the electronics company, didn't like his using their r-TM so they took him to court ...and won! The court ruled Mr. Phoney would have to rename his deli no beause the the Phoney company's trademark covered food establishments (it didn't) but because his establishment was adjacent to Phony Corp's studios and, because of that, Mr. Phony's deli was benefiting financially in so far as the public may plausably think that Phoney Deli net to Phoney Studios would be a related business (which it wasn't). Phoney Studios waved pursuing damages, but Mr. Phoney had to remove his own sirname from his deli even though it pre-existed in that location (but not the mark).

    So next time you make a 'fair use' copy of a CD for your car and then later give it to someone else, you have violated that artist's/recording-co's IP rights. And virtually all those folks on e-bay who copy and sell old celebrity pics for a price are commiting an illegal act but hiding behind the supposition that some of those pics were specifically commissioned by the celebrity who also purchased exclusive rights (that's the assumption) so the original photographer (they contend) no longer have rights. Of course, they don't know that and the dead celibrity's family can't prove it because the image is not a reg-TM, so no one is prosecuting such examples.

    I'm sure I only know a tiny fraction of the ins and outs of this subject, so take what I've said realizing that the specifics of every case are different -- but I find it a fascinating subject.
  16. 65gtfastback

    65gtfastback Well-Known Member

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    May 19, 2006
    @ Nashville
    what law firm are you with?
  17. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    I am not attempting to convert anybody like Dan or Tes to lay down their Shelby Weapons and come to SAAC's defense. what I think everybody has missed through all of this is that Rick Kopec and Ken Eber started their Club while Carroll Shelby was in Africa hunting big game and seeing where his next business opportunity may be. as interest in the club grew, they eventually got in touch with Carroll and invited him to one of the first large gatherings of cars and owners. as I have been told, Carroll was almost in shock at the interest in these cars and his new fan base that was growing. Carroll Shelby and Shelby Autos have always received the Royal treatment at every SHELBY Convention, as well as every publication of the SAAC Newsletters, magazines, and Registries. SAAC in a sense grew as a kind of unplanned Cottage industry. there was no "How To" manual to guide them. It has been a learn and grow as you go, developing work in progress from the start. Carroll Shelby all the while grew to "Rock Star Status" within the ranks of this growing group of enthusiasts. He would autograph peoples cars and shirts, even a few gal's breasts got signed as he was so happy to please them. the desire to learn about and document every aspect regarding the defunct Shelby American Inc. became a passion for Rick Kopec, Ken Eber, and many others. the actual "Registry" was originally started by another Cobra club that SAAC absorbed very early in it's development. all the while Carroll Shelby was a friend to Rick Kopec as long as it was convenient for Carroll. and in a nutshell, Carroll from my observations is a Shark in business. they do not Trifle around. they stay focused on the goal at hand and do whatever it takes to attain that goal. so as time went by and Carroll had his Heart replacement and started the charity, SAAC was there with Donations, as well as the worlds biggest gatherings of people who wold make donations just for an autograph and a few shared words with their Hero. If it was too hot, SAAC would scramble to find him an umbrella and a fan. he was always given the microphone at the dinner events to talk about the old days and also promote his new cars, Chili products etc. Carroll was able to network with the people in this group and make many important business contacts that he worked with. SAAC had in a sense become a CULT of Carroll Shelby Worshippers who bought into anything he offered them. when he went with DODGE, SAAC even helped develop a club for those owner's. they have gathered former employees, race car drivers and designers to come an talk at the conventions about a microchasm in time. remember Shelby American Inc. only operated from 1962-1970. with the last 3 years really being maintained by the watchful eye of FORD and their accountants who were unhappy with SHELBY and his cost overruns. and eventually they decide that the Mach1 woud replace the SHELBY and that was that. SAAC has for the last 33 years researched and celebrated not just Carroll Shelby, but everyone and everything that had anything to do with those magical 8 years. SAAC really was a great friend to Carroll. They enjoyed having a glorious "God" to praise and worship. and Carroll enjoyed that role as well. at some point in time during the last 3 years, a breakdown occurred. Team Shelby was devised and the only thing that could possibly alter it's success would be this SAAC organization. so to make that happen, a smear campaign got started. Shelby personally attempted to lure SAAC's Registrars to leave SAAC and join his new Team. they all declined his offers. that was a sign of Carroll the Business Shark swimming in SAAC's pond. knowing his business and personal history the way SAAC does gives them amazing insight into knowing where SHELBY is swimming and what his goal is. So just as all of you CS defenders are saying SHELBY is protecting what it his, SAAC has a right to defend what they have created and own as well. to everybody who thinks SAAC should get on their hands and knees and Kiss Carroll's ring and beg forgivness, I suggest you create more plausable scenario's to fantasize about in your spare time. SAAC operated without the licensing agreement for more years than with one. but remember, they were not a new Wheel Company or Die cast mfgr. looking to profit from Carroll's Trademarks. They were his friends. His Supporters and loyal legions of Followers. SAAC's licensing agreement with SHELBY for $1.00 Dollar a year was simply rope that SHELBY could Hang them with when he wanted to start his own club or just simply end their efforts. Carroll's business methods are always tailored to meet his goals. SAAC offered at least twice to meet with Shelby in person to discuss whatever the issues were. Shelby declined. and the reason he declined is because he still believes that the SAAC faithful are really His People and they should worship at his new church were he will collect the Dues and sell Cars and parts directly from his mailing list etc. He will sell services that SAAC provides Free for their members. So ask yourself how you would feel if after 33 years of Hero Worship, your Hero now attempts to steal your creation from you? Is putting up a Dunk tank to raise money to defend your club in a legal battle that was started by SHELBY, is such a moral crime?? SHELBY inc. is a business. most big businesses operate with no sense of moral obligations to their clients or business associates. it is all about the business and it's own success. It is clear to me and many others that SAAC was nevcer really looked at by SHELBY as his friends. He saw them as "Marks" that he would cash in on at some point and apparently that time is now. while the legal outcome of this will be interesting to see, the Moral side of Carroll Shelby has been exposed by his actions for all to pass judgement on.
  18. Excaliber

    Excaliber Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    I think the case of the name will hinge on history (30 years of use) and Shelbys prior approval for so many of those years. This is similiar to what happened with the trade dress issue over the shape/design of the AC Cobra body. To little action over to many years and it slipped away. Speculation on my part, I am not privy to information on either side.

    As far as dead folks go, many heirs of celebritys are aggressively protecting their rights to the 'name', music or whatever. Buddy Hollys wife is suing someone right now that just wrote a book about him, not for the name, but for 'slander' of the name essentially (apparently the author is an ex girl friend of Holly). :rolleyes:
  19. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    None ...I'm not a lawyer.
  20. 68fastback

    68fastback Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2007
    Where did daltondavid's long one-paragraph post go? I was reading it and when I refreshed the screen it was gone! :ph34r:
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