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Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by dennis@URImn, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. dennis@URImn

    dennis@URImn Guest

    Shelby Mustang Email List
    As I go down this path of enlightenment with this new software I see
    something else happening.
    I get notified when emails to your email addresses bounce 5 times. It
    assumes if that email
    address is bouncing emails it is no longer valid. So it automatically
    cuts your receipt of emails from the list
    off at 5 bounces.

    This is happening pretty often. In fact I just got the same email
    some of you got saying I am going to be cut off
    due to excessive bouncing of emails back. It was cutting off my email address.

    I expanded the number of bounces to 10 from 5. I also went through
    the list and re-added the dozen or so members that
    were cut off. So if you get an email from the system saying you are
    in danger of being cut off go ahead an respond
    but I probably already fixed it. You might get an email saying it was
    fixed. But by me expanding the minimum
    number to 10 hopefully this won't be an issue in the future.

    Interesting thing is the bouncing of emails is across the board. It
    isn't just AOL, or verizon or whomever. Mine was
    even bouncing emails and its on the same server as the email list. Go
    figure that.

    Thanks for your patience

    Dennis Begley
    Vice President
    Ultimate Restoration Inc
    We Do It Right the First Time
    763-390-3222 Fax 763-390-3221

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