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[Shelbymustang] Convertible rear glass

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Ronald. Robertson, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. Shelby Mustang Email List
    Happy 4th of July to all!
    Anyone on line have any experience
    with repairing the silicone joint in the folding rear convertible glass?
    Or is my suspicion correct that I am better off to replace it.
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  2. Shelby Mustang Email List
    Ron and list members , For concours information the original two piece
    glass convert rear windows were made by CORNING and date coded. In the
    early 70's PPG won the contracted to make a thin strong cheap glass for
    the back windows on Ford cars. If you have a original Corning glass it
    is worth saving . Ed Meyer has found someone to repair the concours
    correct corning glass. Even on brand new replacement 2 piece rear
    glass windows most auto upholstery companys wil not gaurentee that the
    seam will not split after 2 or three cycles of putting the top up or
    down that is why so many have gone with the cheaper clear vinyl rear
    window. Any repair is a temporary fix on the seams . Mustang monthly did
    a article a few years back on how to repair. I have tried it with mixed
    results. It is my experience that it is best to replace rather then
    repair a two piece glass window unless it is for show and you are not
    putting the top up and down a lot. Bob G.
    On Tuesday, July 4, 2006, at 12:33 PM, Ronald. Robertson wrote:

    > Shelby Mustang Email List
    > ------------------------------
    > Happy 4th of July to all!
    > Anyone on line have any experience
    > with repairing the silicone joint in the folding rear convertible glass?
    > Or is my suspicion correct that I am better off to replace it.
    > Ron
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  3. Shelby Mustang Email List
    Thanks for sharing your expertise. My rear window says "Herculite" and I suspect that is a PPG replacement.
    I think I just might go back to the plastic window and put up with the scratches.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Robert Gaines
    To: Ronald. Robertson
    Cc: Shelby Mustang
    Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 4:18 PM
    Subject: Re: [Shelbymustang] Convertible rear glass

    Ron and list members , For concours information the original two piece glass convert rear windows were made by CORNING and date coded. In the early 70's PPG won the contracted to make a thin strong cheap glass for the back windows on Ford cars. If you have a original Corning glass it is worth saving . Ed Meyer has found someone to repair the concours correct corning glass. Even on brand new replacement 2 piece rear glass windows most auto upholstery companys wil not gaurentee that the seam will not split after 2 or three cycles of putting the top up or down that is why so many have gone with the cheaper clear vinyl rear window. Any repair is a temporary fix on the seams . Mustang monthly did a article a few years back on how to repair. I have tried it with mixed results. It is my experience that it is best to replace rather then repair a two piece glass window unless it is for show and you are not putting the top up and down a lot. Bob G.
    On Tuesday, July 4, 2006, at 12:33 PM, Ronald. Robertson wrote:

    Shelby Mustang Email List
    Happy 4th of July to all!
    Anyone on line have any experience
    with repairing the silicone joint in the folding rear convertible glass?
    Or is my suspicion correct that I am better off to replace it.
    ShelbyMustang mailing list
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    ShelbyMustang mailing list
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  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Shelby Mustang Email List
    If y'all downgrade to a one piece, cheap, plastic rear window, here is a little trick I use with great success. The scratches seem to come from the plastic rubbing on itself when the top is down. I put the top half way down, fold a beach towel (color keyed to the car of course) and lay it on the window where the other half would come into contact with the plastic. Make sure you pat out the wrinkles in the plastic window as it goes down. This provides a cushion and pad to keep the two halves of the window from rubbing and scratching. One of my cars has a 10 year old top and no scratches. SEE Y'ALL Lee
    > From: "Ronald. Robertson" <ronald.robertson (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca>
    > Date: 2006/07/04 Tue PM 09:34:54 EDT
    > To: "Robert Gaines" <bgaines (AT) kc (DOT)>
    > CC: Shelby Mustang <shelbymustang (AT) thecarsource (DOT) com>
    > Subject: Re: [Shelbymustang] Convertible rear glass
    > Shelby Mustang Email List
    > ------------------------------

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  5. Shelby Mustang Email List
    I did a similar trick but I also had a towel that I rolled up and had held
    into a roll with rubber bands. this was put at the point the plastic curtain
    would want to fold to force it into a gentle curve to avoid the fold mark in
    the window

    the other thing that causes the scratches is anything rubbing on it like
    when you wash the car and are cleaning the dirt off it


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  6. Shelby Mustang Email List
    wash with only clean water no detergent


    From: shelbymustang-bounces (AT) thecarsource (DOT) com on behalf of RSANTER (AT) aol (DOT) com
    Sent: Thu 7/6/2006 2:00 PM
    To: lmathias (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net; ronald.robertson (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca; bgaines (AT) kc (DOT)
    Cc: shelbymustang (AT) thecarsource (DOT) com
    Subject: Re: [Shelbymustang] Convertible rear glass

    Shelby Mustang Email List

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