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[Shelbymustang] Fwd: What's the deal?? "Your message toShelbyMustang awaits moderator approval"

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. John Dettori

    John Dettori Guest Shelby Mustang List

    It's not Dennis; it's the automated software that manages the list.
    Your message (3.8Mb) was bigger than it's pre-set limit.

    It's generally good practice to restrict attachments to 1Mb or less.
    They can take down the mail server. I'm sure Denis has an outer holding area
    set up where an automated set of rules filter any emails that violate those rules.
    Then, once a week or as often as he can get to it, he checks the holding area
    to see if anything was caught that should have gone through. He's actually
    protecting all the list members this way.

    What he might do, is advertise a procedure for sending photos and video clips

    Hope this was helpful,

    John Dettori

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